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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Kai Pilots - Keep 'em comin Peter
  2. Harv Looking glue and let the glue fly! Keep 'em comin Peter
  3. Right with Harv Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Keep 'em comin Peter
  4. Nice progress and the mud and weathering looks so good. Too bad, so much is now going to be hidden behind the armor shields. Keep 'em comin Peter
  5. Kev Nice progress and your thorough research is paying off. Looking mighty good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  6. John Nice progress on your Wildcat and she sure looks good with the wings on. What was your final decision: did you add mounting pegs for a beefier wing root joint or was the kits procedure good enough? Keep 'em comin Peter.
  7. Harv Good thing it isn't April 1st. Nice work on your electrical box - surely looks the part. 👍 Keep 'em comin Peter
  8. Kai Your front office is looking so good - perfect in every way. Keep 'em comin Peter
  9. John Nice solution to solving the folding wing issue. Should work out just fine Keep 'em comin Peter
  10. Harv Not sure either but in the pic Martin posted, if I'm looking at the correct piece, seem to be two small electrical junction boxes. If a cover goes over them, the box would seem to be more of a rectangle then a square. Keep 'em comin Peter
  11. Awesome progress .. the beginning stages of the mud and grime is looking good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  12. Kev Nice progress on the interior. Keep 'em comin Peter
  13. Fantastic work and some mighty nice progress Keep 'em comin Peter
  14. Mike Glad to read you are feeling better and your cold was just a nasty cold and not covid. Wonderful progress on the Salmson - cammo and decals look perfect. Keep 'em cominPeter
  15. Rob Love those burner cans - the details are amazing. The fit of the intakes and wings are nice and tight and look amazing. Fantastic progress Keep 'm comin Peter
  16. Thanks Gaz Looks amazing and will be checking SMS paints out. Just can’t see switching from MRP which are my go to paints but some serious testing will be in order. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  17. Mark Awesome news. I’m in the second group and still waiting ... the latest update from Jetmads is they are In production of the second group of 500 kits and should be shipping some time in January. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  18. Just horrible news and our hearts and prayers go out to all owe that suffered from the devastation. Peter
  19. To the Staff of LSM Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas .. be safe and well. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  20. Hi Kent, Perfectly OK, just a lesson to be learned and you're so right, as I'm already ahead of the next Tamiya Tomcat build. 😉 Keep 'em comin Peter
  21. Thanks Mike, much appreciated. Sometimes things work out for the best and the FOD covers and ladder with steps will be a nice look. From now on, the motto will be: Double check and glue once. Just love those Quinta Detail Cockpit Sets Keep 'em comin Peter
  22. Thanks Rob, much appreciated. I'm finally happy with the office, both in the flesh and in the pics.hanks Still can't believe I did it but I've learned a BIG lesson, at 74 years of age and having been through chemo, sometimes I have a few m ore senior moments then in the past. From this point on, I need to double check everything before committing to glue; almost as: measure twice, cut once! I might be able to push the compressor fans in but that will still leave a large unpainted area in the rear of the intakes where the assembly would have been. I'm just thinking using the QB FOD covers will work out pretty good and then I'll add the boarding ladder and steps plates. In the end, not a bad option. Also, the bright side of my Senior moment, is I have two complete rear intake assembly for my next F-14 and there will be more to follow. Keep 'em comin Peter
  23. BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS AND OH NO 12/21/21 Backwards: After reviewing my photographs from the last update and realizing how bad the dry brushing looked compared to how well it looked in the flesh, I decided I would need to clean up my act and focus on how the details appear in photographs, especially those shot with a macro lens. I removed the almost all the dry rushing and, in some instances repainted the offending parts. I added some light washes to the canvas IP cowling covers, then picked out the details with a brush and did the same for the ejection seats. Moving Forward: I completed both the intake assemblies, whose fit was typical Tamiya, air brushed them in three sections with Tamiya LP 2Gloss White Lacquer, including the front compressor hubs and completed the compressor fans in a mix of Model Air Aluminum and Gun Metal and a Tamiya Black Panel Line Wash to highlight the details. Using the Furball Decal – painting guide as my main color reference, the lower lip of the intake is shown as white and not polished aluminum, so I left it as is. Assembling the wings, Tamiya has a glue line just forward of the trailing edge, so they trailing edges would be razor sharp but in doing so, created a joint/panel line. I compared the wing to the scale plans in Danny Coreman’s F-14 book and they did not exist, so it was filled in with Tamiya White Putty and removed. After the main gear bays were with painted Tamiya LP2 Gloss White and the entire intake assembly was glued into place with no fuss at all, at the wee hours of the morning. OH NO OH NO, what have I done! All this work on the intakes and I just suffered a HUGE SENION MOMENT. Sitting smack dab on my cutting mat were the two rear interior portion of the intakes with the front compressor fans. I installed the exterior portions of the assembly and never gave it a thought that I didn’t glue the interior parts in place. The glue had already dried rock solid and there is no way on earth I could push them in place. Has the chemo chemicals effected my brain or just a senior moment; who knows but the damage is done. These are the choices are now have: Bin the kit – no way – failure is not an option. Buy new parts from Tamiya – way too expensive and way too much work. Build the kit with out the intake fans, hoping the dark interior would hide the omission – cheesy at best and no way. Buy a set of Quickboost FOD covers meant for the Hobby Boss kit, tweak them to fit the Tamiya kit. With FOD cover being used, I’ll add the boarding ladder and steps, so everything blends and move on. I like to work in sub assemblies and then test fit all of them and that’s how the Big Cat is at this moment; taped and being test fitted. Thanks for checking in Keep ‘em comin Peter OH NO, the interior rear intake assembly I forgot to install The external intake assembly glued in place Test fitting a number of sub assemblies
  24. Wishing all my friends a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holidays and please stay safe. Keep 'em comin Peter
  25. Nice looking details Keep 'em comin Peter
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