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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Thanks Peter much appreciated. The build was enjoyable it was the painting that did me. The only criticism would be the engine mounts to the fire wall and the alignment of the engine. My centreline is very very slightly off. I hope my photos are good enough…..
  2. Decisions decisions……….embarking on new project but…..which one…….
  3. Thanks Dennis, I also have the RAF ZM in the stash, let me know if there anything specific you need to know……
  4. Stunning, one day when I’m older I might get close but I doubt it………
  5. So again as with the Mossie, I’m calling this pony finished. It came with some ZM figures so I’m going to have a go at adding them to the final vignette. Here is a taster before again I attempt to photograph it, I’m still working on the figures so maybe another week before I can get the finished pictures……..As my second ZM it was enjoyable and an education with their philosophy of making the kit as close to the real plane. Would still recommend highly…….
  6. Seems all my builds are coming to an end. This is now ready for the spray booth. Halftracks are notoriously difficult to spray as a completed unit. So next weekend (back to the workstation) booth and fun to be had………the kit came with the 20mm trailer so I am scratch building that into an ammunition trailer………..the metallic finish on the flak unit is so I can blow German grey over it and weather back to metal, I hope…….
  7. Thanks Peter, I’m so glad I didn’t jump into it when I bought it back in 2017 as I didn’t have enough experience to do it justice. Saying that, if you are methodical it’s a breeze to build, so perhaps I wouldn’t have screwed it up. I did build another in a minute but I’ll wait a little. Hope everything goes well tomorrow 🤞
  8. Thanks Carl, it’s there are a couple items I’m not quite happy about but they are minor, overall wonderful kit to build……
  9. Ok I’m calling this done, a truly enjoyable experience and for the doom sayers it’s not a mojo killer……..a sne,so preview as I’m assembling the pictures for the completed section. With my lack of picture skills maybe a while ……..
  10. Thinking of you both.
  11. Ben / Jarrod, you guys are storming along on this one, stunning ..looking forward to next stage…..
  12. Thanks Martin, did I spot a Landrover there? That’s a lot of muscle for max speed limit of 75 MPH……..🫤
  13. Some additional items - RedFox IP etc for the Hornet looks amazing, also another Dspiae tool, a double ended chisel / broach. Also the stash is now completely out of control, I’ve hit a total 21 😬😬- This is my first IBG kit out of Poland, looks well moulded and for such a small AFV the part count is pretty large……..
  14. Welcome aboard. Harder & Steinbeck do a great range of brushes. Their entry level dual action comes with 0.2 and 0.4 with the option of adding other needles and nozzles. I started with the H&S Ultra and have recently bought their Infinity CR Plus……hope it helps…..
  15. I know what it is, they are all driving on the WRONG side of the road……you guys……..
  16. Thanks Peter, I’ve added a small bit of weathering but just do not want to mess this one up. I’ve polished the canopy, ironically the material for the canopy doesn’t polish as the Zoukie Mura canopy’s. So matt coat tomorrow and and then I’m calling it done before I have drop it or spill something over it 🤞….
  17. Rob, much appreciated. The Master barrels are stunning it was just didn’t get the assembly sequence right. I have never used the Brassin barrels, as Peter says a fan boy of Master. The jury is still out on the weathering, almost completed the decals then I’ll Matt coat. If anything I’ll add some wash around openings and fuelling locations. The irony is that on AFV’s I go crazy but aircraft frighten me just in case I screw it up……..I remember that holder, I’ll see if I have a big enough woodbit drill………
  18. Thanks John, afraid it’s not up to your standard but have learnt a lot on this build.
  19. Thanks Peter, I am a bit of of a tool junky but never got around to buying bottle stands. I’ll have to have some thoughts on making some…..
  20. Underside next, improvised bottle stand…….lots of opportunities for some weathering under here….
  21. Thanks Peter, the 51 is finished now bar some weathering and the Mossie is getting very close. I’m going to have look into some holders it must be the fourth time the Micro Sol has gone over……..
  22. Dropped back on this for a bit, added the beautiful Master barrels. The tracks were a pain but no way was I going to double the price of the kit by adding AM metal ones……..if you you are methodical the Magic Tracks do look the business…….
  23. Mike, this completely passed me by, amazing opener, the figures are amazing and the 48th Triplane , wow……welcome aboard and looking forward to seeing more……
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