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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Great camo, congratulations
  2. Thanks Martin, much appreciated….
  3. Thanks Carl, the masking is just ok but pleased with it. Top decals done, going to let them set overnight before doing underside.
  4. Jeff, much appreciated, it is almost there, thanks for your kind words……
  5. Bank holiday Monday, jazz funk blasting out on the Bose and some therapeutic decaling on the Mossie. The masks worked well, first time using them so a learning curve…….already knocked the bottle of Micro Set over 🙄🙄🙄
  6. Just catching up again, words fail me, stunning……yep I’m retiring from modelling after seeing this update……
  7. Looking great, I built the venerable Monogram B 17G years ago this looks to have more detail, looking forward to the next update……
  8. I knew there was a bench there somewhere…………how long until you have 5 in progress projects on said bench……….😮😮😮😮😮😮
  9. Great news. He is a tough old bird………
  10. Wish lists are amazing inventions for letting family know what you need……. This is the result, the Micro Cup for CR Plus is great for a thimble full of paint required. AK are now producing refill tins of cement, 200ml ata hell of a sight cheaper than a bottle. Last but not least the Arma Hobby Hurricane, the mouldings are stunning, hopefully they will follow as they did from 72nd to 48th to 32nd…….this is my very first Hurricane……….also the stash is now closed, reached the magic 20 mark………also more Dspiae tools, they have spent a lot of design time to craft their range….
  11. Our thoughts are for him and his whole family.
  12. Thoughts and prayers for the both of you.
  13. Hmmmmm, I would have been given a one word answer, tough………. I never ever asked for money / loan because it would have been no…………….fond memories…….
  14. Thanks Carl for the pictures, appreciated….
  15. This was my second ever 1/32 kit, it was an interesting experience……..mainly due to my lack of building skills at the time………might just have another crack at it…….following along with interest…..
  16. With the 51 almost complete the Mossie is a close second. I wanted to pass on these words of warning, if anyone is building this and using the exquisite Master 303’s. Assemble and fit before fitting the nose cone. I didn’t and took me 2 hours and some bad words to assemble the barrels and recoil sleeves all inside the fixed nose cone.…….it is possible but it’s a pain……
  17. Also missed this, absolutely stunning, love the weathering……
  18. I found this if it’s any help…….you have probably seen this….. https://www.asisbiz.com/il2/Ju-88/KG26.html
  19. Hope you get some well deserved pain free benchtime soon…….
  20. Thanks Dennis, much appreciated…
  21. Thanks Rob, much appreciated. I agree with you on the anodised look, a polished surface would look wrong. The cowls cannot now be fitted on once the engine framing has been added. There is a massive bit in the instructions, “with or without “ warning. Anyway, I intend to show it in maintenance mode. When I bought the kit off eBay it came with 4 ZM figures, I’m going to try and include them in the diorama, my first figure painting foray…….
  22. Thanks Chris, I’ll squirrel that info away for a future project…..
  23. Welcome aboard, Lincolnshire seems to be well represented here. I’m southern Lincs. Would be great to see some builds……..
  24. Thanks Peter, it’s almost there……..the only reason it went on the SOD was the Xtreme Metal but in retrospect I could have lived with it. It amazing I built this back in 2020, I’ve learnt a lot since so when I do the Mustang IV it will be smooth sailing……
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