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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. For me it’s only one so far…..Arma Hobby Hurricane IIB “Jubilee “ in 1/48…..
  2. Last summer I had the BBMF Lancaster come over the garden at 200ft with me standing in the middle of it in awe and they weren’t hanging around…………
  3. Stunning Gus, I’m tempted by resin but …………you are the master of it…….bench time is going to be limited now Six Nations is starting……..
  4. Stunning as ever Mike.
  5. I used Vallejo Aluminium Model Air thinned down and at last happy with the NFM areas. Time for the OD plus carefully removing the part line on the canopy, luckily finally got hold of some Tamiya polishing paste….
  6. They look like Mosquito u/c ?……..didn’t scroll down hear enough….🙄
  7. PW, this one passed me by, stonking weathering………I’m of the same opinion as you are on 1/16, just ……………...looking forward to the finale…….
  8. Sure that’s your basement and not part of a large retail unit………makes my 19 kit stash very insignificant………
  9. Yummy, never seen this built or a build log……..
  10. When the statements “ladders, moving boxes, multiple ladder movements etc” perhaps the stash warehouse is a little……………over to your wife………..
  11. From the guys at Modelling News……. Good on Border for bringing another kit to market, some people are going to go into meltdown………..
  12. Great to see this back again Kev, I did one of RFM panzers with the same track build up, hmmmmmmm was fiddly and time consuming. In my opinion you cannot beat Dragons Magic Tracks for simplicity………
  13. I’m a nay……my job is a project deadline defined profession, also after the last two GB’s …….pass……
  14. The 1/16th scale AFV’s range seem to be burgeoning, personally in think they are just to big and if manufacturers are going big, add more detail. From what I’ve seen, some are just scaled 35th with no or sometimes less detail…….
  15. Thanks Peter, this time I’m going to finish it……
  16. Very nice “cave”…….I spend an inordinate amount of time rearranging and tidying my workspace. I hate a cluttered bench …….very jealous Hubert. What’s going to the first project…….
  17. I missed this, that looks a lot of fun……l.
  18. I started this in Nov 2020, it’s time I finished this one………..
  19. The scheme I’ve decided to do is OD top surfaces and minimal amount of NMF. After deciding not to strip but just flatten and rub down, I started on the invasion strips using Tamiya acrylic, next I’ll redo the NMF using any acrylic silver……..after that the OD maybe Xtracolour faded OD but have to wait so I can properly vent…….
  20. A little therapeutic track building, each link is two items and I ensured that they are all flexible…….you have to love Dragon’s Magic Tracks………
  21. Rob, much appreciated, I’m really liking these half tracks and especially the Dragon ones. Their detailing is amazing, I was toying with the idea of adding more but it will ever be seen, unfortunately. I keep looking at the F1’s but you’re right everything is one show so needs a different approach…..
  22. Never built HobbyBoss so interesting to see how it builds up…….looking good
  23. Perfect, Operation Replenish The Stash has begun, full briefing at 0800…….
  24. No decimal places? or 30% precisely ………roughly is not good enough…….🙄
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