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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Rob, sitting this one out but will follow along, never seen a WIP of one of these…….
  2. Never saw the show in the UK either, I maybe wrong though……
  3. Interesting John, this may just pique me to restart my Tamiya KGV 1/350…….following along now……
  4. Ralph, wow ………love the weathering, rust is very difficult to scale down, you’ve nailed this one for sure…..l.l
  5. Haven’t built any modern armour, this maybe a strong contender. Stunning build….
  6. Welcome to LSM, an amazing first post. Never realised how big the D9’s are, stunning diorama looking forward to more projects.
  7. Superb……thanks……
  8. EBay auction success…….all for under £30.00……..result……the first build I ever showed on LSM (or anywhere) was the Dragon Marder III H, I do like Dragon kits and also these self propelled artillery pieces…….
  9. Jeff, much appreciated the kit is a real pleasure to build. Coming from an engineering background I do obsess over cleaning every part line and sprue gate under a magnifier and very very critical of painting etc…….but it’s still a lot of fun and that’s IMHO how should be….
  10. Takom Mark VI but buy replacement tracks, I think the tracks I used were from Master…..they were not metal……..
  11. Hey Scott you must use a hell’ve lot of Micro set etc or was it a job lot…….
  12. Rob, much appreciated, pesky paint always creeps through, you must add yours to the build schedule……..
  13. Thanks Dennis, coming from the guru of the immaculate finish I’m flattered. Next up is the Montex masks, another first for me…….
  14. Thanks Peter, there are a couple of areas which are marginal……I’ll do the touching up and then reassess……..
  15. Thanks Carl, not sure how it crept through but the 0.15 on the CR Plus should be good for touching up…..
  16. Actually tackled the top coats for the Mossie. All Vallejo Air, now it’s unwrapped I can now do some touching up. Why is it however tight you steal it down it always find a path. The canopy is just rested on the cockpit. I think I’m happy with it but we are all our worst critics………lots of stuff to add and then on to the Montex masks……🤞
  17. It’s a dream to build Bill. The RedFox instrument panels etc are beautiful, there are some pics on my build WIP on here……..
  18. I’m predominantly Vallejo with the odd bottle and tin of Xtracolour and Tamiya kicking around. When I came back to the hobby I bought a boat load of the AK Xtreme Metals, I’ll use those up and replace them with the Vallejo Metals. To use the Xtreme or Xtraclour a lot of extraction and ventilation is needed I find……
  19. She’s been away all this time and you didn’t organise a mass delivery, Scott you are slipping man………send are regards to the good lady……..
  20. Rob, Mosquito, you will love it. I was uncertain for a long while but would build it again in a flash…….Mossie, Mossie, Mossie…….
  21. Good haul Rob, glad you had fun in the old city……..
  22. The one I used was the ordinaryVallejo Air Aluminium not even their Metal range. If they are this good I’m in, I’ll try and get some pics for you……
  23. I remember 1968 RAF Coltishall, Norfolk, Battle of Britain Airshow. One maybe two Lightings took off and stood on their tails at 100ft and went vertical…….bloody amazing and the noise……..
  24. You are spot on about anticipation / dread, I must admit I put building the Tamiya Mossie for those exact reasons. When it came to the build it was a pure joy, never say never. I’ll have to have a think about a resin excursion…..
  25. The additional detail you are adding really make this kit…….
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