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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Quick update, M4A3E8 just about wrapping up, tracks assembled and adding stores etc.....the Pz III G is also having jerrycans added etc.......still to tracks on the G........all lens awaiting to be fitted after painting....
  2. Great start, looking really good. I am the same rare benchtime, bad photographer etc etc etc....
  3. Glad the kit found you Gaz, enjoy and savour the build......
  4. Stunning, outstanding, sublime.........as usual John perfect......
  5. Awesome James, wonder if they do a Camel........about to start my first WnW........
  6. Cockpit looks great Rob, I was struggle with painting the IP to make it look flat black, yours is perfect....
  7. Kai, welcome aboard, as Ernie said brilliant place to hang out and have fun.....
  8. Nice finish Carl, Peter you’re right the flatness of the OD looks very realistic...
  9. Welcome to the forum Gabriel, great to see new faces. This is the friendliest model forum on the web, enjoy. unfortunately I am not a jet person but would say that’s after market goodies. Looking forward to the build log.
  10. Go Harv go.........if you look hard at the bottom left hand corner of the picture there’s a SQUIRREL ......
  11. John, looking amazing as ever, wish I had just 5% of your benchtime......
  12. Ernie, bizarrely me to, also I’m more relaxed about my building ...
  13. Smitty, it goes to AOL login when you hit the box.........didn’t even know AOL were still around.....
  14. You guys crack me up
  15. Great reference, the the virtual cockpit one, wonder if there is a J version or were all the cockpits similar?............
  16. I can see the decal post but not the previous one, where you say et voila
  17. Smitty, I think your pics went AWOL..........definitely going to be following this one, you never know these jetty things may inspire me to build more after the F4J.......
  18. Gaz, How about a spa day or similar.......
  19. Man, I see what you mean. That’s equiv of £48.00
  20. How beautifully does the Corsair go together........looking fantastic Peter
  21. Appreciated Peter, as you can see from the pics, surrounded by other either completed or in progress projects. Largest are the Corsair and the Tempest.....
  22. Ok guys, this is my first ever WIP , compared with you guys a little nervous about show and tell...... Dragon M4A3E8 “ Thunderbolt” nice kit, as ever read with Dragon, read instructions three times and dry fit twice........
  23. John, haven’t heard that rhyme for some years.......
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