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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. Progress has been slowed by a camping trip - but I'm back at the bench for a little before I head to NY for a wedding. Getting ready for some washes...
  2. Not sure about the toilet bomber; I have plenty of time to consider it. I'm really enjoying this kit so far. Everything fits very well. Got some work done on the wings: I'll take care of painting the ammo later. Got some gloss white sprayed tonight, too. Once cured, I'll give it a black wash. More to come...
  3. Got this in the mail yesterday!
  4. Too funny, Scott. I looked at that pic and thought : More freaking shoes!?
  5. I've started on this beast. Main cockpit parts put together. I'm using Z-M color callouts with the exception of their "interior green" - they call for RLM 82; I opted for ModelMaster Interior Green. Cockpit is Dark Gull Gray. I'm not a big fan of front/rear fuselage sections. Rather than Join the front and rear once assembled, I prefer to join them prior to assembly of the "halves" - this helps to minimize a step between the two. They're not really halves on this plane, Z-M has the main fuselage in left, right, top and bottom. It's new to me.
  6. Those engines are looking mighty fine, Mark!
  7. One of my most recent acquisitions. My first impression: I was struck by the size of the box (21x13x6 - that's 533x330x153 for you metric folks). I know the Skyraider wasn't a small plane, but the box easily dwarfs any single engine prop plane I've ever seen. Upon opening, that box is stuffed with tons of plastic - 14 sprues for the plane and another eight for the weapons. I'll be building straight OOB. More pics soon.
  8. Phil, I start many but finish few. Maybe a WIP will get me off my ass and finish one. The smell of fresh plastic is strong in this one...
  9. And last but not least, brass landing gear struts for the Meng Dr.1
  10. I had to remove ceiling panels in order to run refrigerant lines for the new air conditioning unit. The main thing on my bench right now is mouse droppings.
  11. Very cool, Ernie! I never built the Paddy Wagon, but I have a couple of Tom Daniels' Red Baron in the stash. If I can ever find one at a reasonable price, I'd be tempted to pick up the Boot Hill Express...
  12. My build rate is far exceeded by the rate at which I accumulate kits. I think my stash is currently in the 150-200 range. I'm currently waiting for the Z-M Skyraider to arrive.
  13. Up to your usual standards, Wolf. I'll be watching closely!
  14. Courtesy of Harv... my first ever Russian aircraft.
  15. Enjoy the pleasures of lake living, Scott. Unpacking can wait for a rainy day. I'm not a procrastinator. Just an amateurcrastinator.
  16. Beautifully done! I'd love to have one of these, but they're fetching unbelievable prices these days.
  17. A lot of people complain about them being over engineered, but I love Z-M's approach.
  18. Real vernier calipers... you don't see those very often! My dial caliper was stolen; I've gone digital. I use them often.
  19. Carl, You're in Canada - what are you doing using English measurements? Nice stash, by the way. Bill - who at 193 cm would have a tough time in that basement...
  20. I used their seamless intakes and burner cans on my F-4J. Beautiful stuff. As I recall, I was contacted, too.
  21. That thing makes DH.2 rigging look like a walk in the park! Kudos to CSM; I can't wait to get my hands on their Spad XIII.
  22. In my early days, that Revell Wildcat was one of my favorites!
  23. As usual, a very nice job, John! One of these days I'll have to pull mine off the SOD.
  24. I'm nowhere near ready to start on Trumpy's A-7E, but I received the Avionix cockpit in the mail the other day. I thought I'd see what was required to get it to fit. All my previous resin cockpits have been from Aires, and I've always had lots of work required to get them to fit. First impression: the level of detail is impressive, and the casting is top notch. There were some interference issue with the intake; twenty minutes with the Dremel on the bottom side took care of that. The Avionix pit fits like a glove! Zero sanding on the neither the sides of the casting nor on the fuselage halves. A couple of swipes with a sanding stick on the cockpit sidewalls, and they fit perfectly. On the down side, the set include resin only. There are no instrument faces for the IP, and no photoetch. But for half the price of the Aires offering, I'm very pleased. I must resist temptation...
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