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Everything posted by Jackster

  1. Because I cannot summon the courage to start my 1/32 Tornado or 1/24 Mossie just yet I will jump in with a 1/35 Bren Carrier and 6 pounder anti-tank gun if that's ok? Cheers Kev
  2. Which GB is this? Cheers Kev
  3. Very nice start! Cheers Kev
  4. fantastic photos guys and great stories, I love this site for that. I have just got the Revell AC47D in 1/48 (wrong scale I know) It is to partner my Hurricane I am building. The Hurricane is modelled on a 111 Sqn aircraft from March 1941 flown by a Canadian pilot, he then went onto fly Dakotas as OC 31 Sqn in India where unfortunately he was killed in action. I also served on 111 and 31 sqn and see these a/c as a fitting tribute. WALKER, JAMES ARTHUR S/L (P) 40768 D.F.C. & Bar - Royal Air Force. From Gleichen. Alberta. Killed In Action Feb.8/44 age 25. #31 Squadron (In Caelum Indicum Primus). S/L. Walker was an ace, credited with destroying nine enemy aircraft. He was in the Battles of France and Britain and was with #111 Squadron flying Hurricane aircraft over Dunkirk when he shot down four aircraft in May and June, and three more in August of 1940. S/L. Walker flew Spitfire aircraft with #610 Squadron and was assigned to the Middle East with #94 Squadron to fly Hurricanes in 1941; in 1943 he went to India to Command #31 Squadron. One of the Sqdn. pilots ex F/O Andy Russel D.F.C. of Indian Head, Saskatchewan recalls the following, "S/L Walker's instructions in what to do in case they were attacked were, "dive for the ground in all directions." When Japanese Zero fighter aircraft attacked the Squadron every pilot followed instructions except Walker, who stayed up there flying his Dakota aircraft in circles so the rest of us could escape, he should have got the V.C. for his sacrifice." Does anyone have any pics of a Dakota in 31 sqn livery? I have just ordered a couple of books so hopefully, there will be some there. Cheers Kev
  5. Jackster


    Congrats Harv, a very special moment, treasure it, have a great time. Cheers Kev
  6. Very nice site Phil, thanks for sharing. Cheers Kev
  7. Great subject Phil looking forward to seeing this mature Cheers Kev
  8. Cracking job, I love the weathering and the attention to detail, superb work. Cheers Kev
  9. Having read Ken Tout's memoirs of a Sherman crew in WW2 after D-Day, I would love to clamber around inside one, get an actual feel for the confines. Cheers Kev
  10. Excellent work, very inspiring.
  11. Cracking paint set Danny! Very nice buy. Cheers Kev
  12. Very frustrating Harv, hang in there matey! Cheers Kev
  13. Hope all is well Harv and that they find the cause quickly. Chin up buddy Cheers Kev
  14. Hurricane is getting close to the finish now. Paints for the Tornado arrive tomorrow, Really enjoying getting back into modelling. My two big projects are the 1/32 Revell Tornado GR1 and the 1/24 Airfix Mossie, but my confidence is increasing. Will probably do another 1/48 before I take the plunge into the big stuff! Cheers Kev
  15. Have serviced many L1A1 in my time, fantastic rifle, a bit unwieldy but what stopping power. Workbench looking great Ernie Cheers Kev
  16. Fantastic thread, really enjoying it! A wealth of background information. The seat does look better without the side panel imo :-) Cheers Kev
  17. Looking good Bill, it certainly is a big beast! Cheers Kev
  18. Wow, what a different choice, very nice to see something a bit different. Looking forward to seeing this completed. Cheers Kev
  19. Superb build, level of detailing is excellent, very nice paint effects. cheers Kev
  20. Hi Wedgeman, I am hoping to build this kit myself so always look at threads. I got my instructions out and you are quite right they are not in the assembly book. After a quick check online, I found this thread on Britmodeller.com https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/60245-big-mossie-under-dutch-construction/ The author Wouter identifies where the parts go. I hope this is of some use. Cheers Kev
  21. Superb work on the instrument panel Mark
  22. Superb work, well done! Cheers Kev
  23. Thanks for the quick reply Mark, I like the dymotape idea, very good, not sure I am brave enough to try it though Looking forward to the rest of the build, looks fantastic so far :-) Cheers Kev
  24. Mark, loving what you are doing with this kit. May I ask how you cut the panels away and are you scratch building new panel doors? Which kit is this, please? Cheers Kev
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