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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. More previously started kits, this one the Miniart Su-122-54. Then this happened: They're conspiring to not let me get stuff done.
  2. Having been up close to a Lancaster with 4 running Merlins, I know what you mean Phil. It's really an awesome sound and very distinctive.
  3. Great review Ernie. The tape up shows the huge strides that HpH have made in quality. They're like most other kit makers that have improved with each new release. As for subject matter, I'm still a bit on the fence. I may just get the kit to support them and hope they continue making IM kits. They did say they were considering a Savoia S21 from Porco Rosso which is one I'd get in a heartbeat (apparently they've done it in their 1/18 series). And of course the Beaufighter.
  4. It was $85. Can't recall shipping. https://www.halberdmodel.co/en-ca/products/cavalier-turbo-mustang-iii-conversion-kit-for-tamiya-p-51d-1-32-scale
  5. Here's some quick pics of the Cavalier Mustang. The replacement fuselage. Closeup showing the panel lines. Super thin exhaust. Tip tanks. There's a replacement prop, cockpit floor and some additional detail parts. The cuts to the tail and wingtips are very straightforward so this could be an ideal first conversion for someone.
  6. I'll get some pics in a bit but the detail is great. The engraved panel lines match those of the Tamiya kit. The breakdown seems to be fairly logical from what I recall.
  7. Curse you Hubert! I've been in the fenc about the kit but ended up ordering one after reading your single word review. I do have their Cavalier Mustang conversion so at least I know what quality to expect. Now to wait my turn. Not like I have nothing else to work on in the meantime...
  8. Nice! The Tamiya 1/12 kit is my oldest SOD model. I started it back in 1993. I work a little bit on it every year. A very little bit.
  9. May the 4th be with you! So for all the Star Wars fans who get the reference, I did some work on my Millennium Falcon. I need to finish the decals for the entire lower side and then the weathering. Fursnake was not impressed that the Falcon was in her spot, ie- my lap. And tying into Star Wars day, I took my sons to see the 40th anniversary release of Return of the Jedi at our local theatre. While there, I realized I was 12, the same age as our oldest when I saw it in theatres for the first time.
  10. Funny, I had the HK Do-335A kit out last night looking at the contents. I've got the ZM two seater in the stash as well. Big difference is that HK gives you the nose weights that you need to prevent a tailsitter and the ZM doesn't leave you enough room for the same because of the internal detail.
  11. Great review Ernie. I have their Viggen and hope to build that one day. Maybe a coat of Mr Surfacer 1000 to fill in the striations? I wonder if there's markings in the kit for the one from Capricorn 1.
  12. Looking at the finished model, I'd never think that it was your first attempt at a super detailed ship model. A truly impressive model. So much new information has come out about the colours of the ships on that day that it makes you think how colourful Battleship Row must have looked.
  13. Eduard do the PE bits for HGW so they had HGW make some of the fabric belts for them to sell under their own label. They're often identical but have different prices so I usually check to see which one is cheaper. Likewise, some of the HGW two seater sets are cheaper than buying two copies of the single seater belts. This is usually the case for Luftwaffe belts.
  14. Looks good there Peter. I left out a lot of the internal details on mine as well. For the wing fold, I found that the seam was fairly decent on mine even with it being operational.
  15. I used the kit belts originally on my build but then really hated the way they looked. I wasn't happy with the colour and the way they draped so the build stalled. The kit belts: After a year, I finally ripped them out and replaced them with some from HGW. If you do use HGW, look at the set made for the HK Mossie. The one specific to the Tamiya kit is shortened for some reason whereas the one for the HK kit is full length.
  16. Couldn't decide on a camo scheme for the E-100, so I did both! First one, I did some ambush spots but didn't like the way they were turning out so I painted over them. And the other side. The circle dot camo was just taking way too long so I'm glad I started with the skirts. Made it easy to stop there. As for the hull, I'm leaving that in the dark yellow. Since much of the tank is a what-if, I'll just say it's a rebuild with recycled parts from previous ones. Yes, Fursnake was in my lap while I worked. Not that easy when she's trying to bite your airbrush.
  17. I'm been trying to decide if I should paint the wings first before assembly or after. Since you've taken the latter route, it'll give me a good idea of how hard it'll be to get the swing wing area painted.
  18. That probably explains my stash.
  19. Maybe work on the Mustang in the garage? Or start something that won't need painting?
  20. Look forward to seeing another Mosquito getting built. I've done one Tamiya so far and have 2 more in the stash to get to. How is the Red Fox IP set?
  21. I just glued the second set of tracks on and compared to the first set, they went on much better. The turret is up next and then paint. Next to the Panzer III I finished last week for a size comparison.
  22. I got the tracks for the E-100 assembled and painted. Fur came to supervise the paint job. First side is on. The tracks go together easily enough but also fall apart almost as easily. Made it a right pain to get it on.
  23. The Citroen is a lovely car. There's one nearby that I see during the summer. The big Dakar rally trucks are impressive too. Still can't believe they'd race them. Thanks for sharing all the pics.
  24. The yellow stripes really stand out nicely. Along with the white sections, they add some colour to the model.
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