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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Nice progress there. The gear looks suitably beefy and very reminiscent of the Tomcat's landing gear.
  2. Trying to get to the workbench but alas, I've got someone running defense. To make things worse, she then proceeds to shed and get her fur on everything.
  3. Me three! Used their F-4 intakes several times and wish they were still around.
  4. I haven't noticed any tendency to pull to one side but I'll have to check it out next time.
  5. I was looking at that too. But nothing in stock that I want at the moment.
  6. I finally broke down and picked up a set of RP Toolz punches. Martin whispered in my ear that I should. Or was that just my inner voice? Speaking of BNA, my order from them arrived. Tracks for my LVT Exhaust fro my F-14 as the Aires ones are too small in diameter. Weathering pencils Some scribing templates.
  7. Some dealerships have customer service figured out but sadly most don't. There's a reason folks refer to them as stealerships. The closet I've come to that is when I got a call that the delivery truck was downstairs with the car I'd bought and if I could come down to meet them. Like getting a pizza delivered.
  8. My mom's two Honda have the lazy gas pedal too. One is a 2018 Civic hatch and the other is a 2021 CR-V. The CR-V also has all the driving nannies on it too. You can turn most off but then I'd have to turn them all back on for my mom as she doesn't mind them. She's got a lead foot too.
  9. It's amazing how fast an order from BNA can arrive halfway across the world and yet something 45min away can take days to go 60km.
  10. So true. My sis and her husband went and looked at the new Pathfinder last year. The first thing the sales guy said to her when she told him they were interested in it was that the transmission was no longer a CVT. They had replaced it with a traditional transmission. Mercedes used a CVT on their first gen B200 subcompact hatchbacks here in Canada. Same thing, they were fragile and when they broke, the car became scrap as they were too expensive to fix.
  11. The first gen Juke had a couple hotter versions. North America got the the Nismo version which was around 220 HP. Manual was FWD only or if you picked the CVT, you could get AWD. I'm not sure if this was available in Europe or not. The second was a limited production variant built in the UK called the Juke-R. It had the entire drivetrain from the R35 GTR dropped into it. So AWD, manumatic, and 600+ HP. And a paint job that Darth Vader would have loved.
  12. Rog, that's the new Juke? They don't sell them in Canada any more. We only got the first generation of them and even then, we didn't get the Juke-R.
  13. My Tomcat is fighting me as well so I know what you're going through. But you're getting through it faster than I am.
  14. Great work Phil. Glad to see you're making progress with your PT boat, since my Vosper has stalled.
  15. Great results Chris. Not an easy one, with the tail correction and then the back paint but it looks fantastic. Carl
  16. Nice mods to make the bits fit in. I don't think I could work at my bench in my PJs. I'd end up with model bits in bed.
  17. Looks good there Peter. Seems like you've cleared the big hurdles now.
  18. Nice progress Ernie. I'm curious to see how the leading edges inserts fit since even Tamiya has had issues getting them to fit nicely.
  19. The wing/fuselage joint looks to have gone well for you. The Fly kit was similar too. But I had an easier time of it than with the PCM kit.
  20. Bandai do Pokemon models. They're fairly simple and somewhat inexpensive around $10 each. Then there are the Toon tanks by Meng. Some come in non standard colours too.
  21. Here's some pics of the kit contents. Moulded in colour so there's no need to paint it. Wings are done with a translucent sheet. There's a clear stand too. According to HLJ, the wings are 265mm each in span. Couldn't find a length for it. https://www.hlj.com/figure-rise-standard-amplified-blue-eyes-white-dragon-yu-gi-oh-bans65022 My LHS here in Toronto has it in stock so you should be able to find it outside Japan.
  22. Gary, I'm about to head to work but I'll get you some pics of the contents and size when I'm back. Being a Bandai kit, it's going to be a press fit so glue won't be required.
  23. Like they use to say on maps, "Here be dragons!"
  24. Just got back from the post office. They had a package from HLJ for me. Almost 40 years after the movie came out, there's finally a IM kit of Cain from Robocop 2. Okay, the movie wasn't that great but still! Next up is a dragon because well, dragons are cool!
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