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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. For the non- meat eaters amongst us, Happy Tofu-Tofu!!! Not sure it has the same ring to it.
  2. Happy Gobble Gobble!
  3. Martin, I agree. Definitely hope it's a reasonable price.
  4. Takom has just announced a pair of Horton 229 kits in 1/32. The first is an A and the second is a B. I'll be interested in the B since the ZM B conversion was a bit lacking.
  5. Wow, what an awesome collection of AM for your build. Can't wait to see what else you've got for this.
  6. I can't believe that's 1/48. It looks stunning. I keep coming back to the wicker seat for some reason. Plus the fuselage wood graining is impressive too. Carl
  7. I've been wearing corrective eyewear since I was 3 1/2. On top of myopia, I have a bad astigmatism so my prescription is -13 Power for my right eye and -14 for my left. I had ICL surgery about 6 years ago and that was amazing. I should really looking into something like an Optivisor. Readers have worked for me at the bench but I don't tend to get detailed with the painting like some members do.
  8. Paul, that's a rule that is easily broken. The Willy's is supposed to be a very nice kit.
  9. Some really exceptional work there Hubert. I don't know any of you thread those turnbuckles. Just the thought of it makes my eyes hurt. I guess we'll have to add zoologist to your many titles. Carl
  10. That's a big tank kit. The new sprockets are a huge improvement. At least the tracks won't look odd trying to wrap around it.
  11. Looks great there Dave. I like the full set of 30 Years markings. The last 1/48 F-4 I built was the Hasegawa F-4E with the same markings 30 years ago so I might biased.
  12. I've heard of using diluted white or PVA glue as a primer. Put a thin coat on and when dry, paint with acrylics. There's an aqueous Mr Surfacer now. Maybe that would work?
  13. You're welcome Martin! Most of the photos were taken during the Heritagecon model show that is held at the museum annually. I'll see about adding to the album at the next show.
  14. Here are some pics of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's Lancaster Mk X FM213. This is one of only 2 airworthy Lancasters in the world.
  15. More anime/sci-fi kits. The first is the Asuka from Star Blazers It's a support ship and is a variant of the Dreadnought class ship I built earlier. Next up is from one of the Macross sequels. Looking at the parts, this thing is tiny! 1/100 scale.
  16. That chassis/tub looks like the one. A big piece of metal.
  17. Certainly doesn't look like a Frankenstein to me. Great job there John.
  18. Rob, I have the same kit but the original release. Besides the regular plastic body shell, I think mine has a diecast chassis rather than white metal. I'll have to double check that. Carl
  19. A great build. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Peter, it's great to see you back. Hopefully everything went well for you and Diane. Looking forward to your Spitfire. Carl
  21. I think you're going to like both kits there Dave. The Tomcat is hands down the best F-14 kit on the market in any scale. Skunk Models does a nice Nimitz deck in 1/48. I picked one up for my copy of the same kit. https://www.luckymodel.com/scale.aspx?item_no=SW-48020 As for the Zeta Gundam, it's a Master Grade kit which means it's going to be one of the more detailed kits that Bandai makes. Lots of parts and articulation. It'll be a press fit kit so cement will be optional. Be careful when you test fit parts together as they may not always come apart easily. A couple complaints make a special tool to separate parts on kits like these. Since everything is moulded in colour, you can actually get away with not painting anything. The last Master Grade kit I built I did paint but with the parts breakdown I didn't need to mask anything. If you do want to paint it, here's a colour conversion chart to help out. It give Me Color equivalents. https://www.mech9.com/2010/03/mg-msz-006-zeta-gundam-ver-20.html
  22. Paul, nice variety of kits. I still remember going into the big comic book shop here in Toronto called Silver Snail. Their entire second floor was models, board games and figures. They had a huge section devoted to the original MaK kits in the brown boxes. I would always look at them and then put them back, being not quite sure what they would be like inside. As for the Hasegawa Egg Girls, they're fun and certainly a lot tamer than some stuff you can find out there. Plus if they help Hasegawa have money for other more mainstream kits, so much the better.
  23. Definitely a mean looking drone there Rob. The red plastic is an interesting choice too.
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