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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Thanks! There's so many tight corners and what-have-you that this is probably the best approach to painting it. They're sold by Ammo but are made by HobbyZone. They have different size openings depending on the type of paint brand you want to store. Best part is they're not expensive.
  2. Same here. No tip tanks too if I can get away with it.
  3. John, I built the Italeri kit which did have issues with the piping being warped. So probably a different problem. Lol. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
  4. If you ever get the chance to go to Hong Kong, go to the Mong Kok district. Last time I was there, I visited a half dozen Hobby shops within a couple blocks of each other. I wish I had an extra suitcase or two for all the stuff I wanted. Carl
  5. I take it that's the Infinity kit? Carl
  6. Great job on the decals and can't wait to see the next update where she'll probably be done. Carl
  7. I've got a Fly Sea Hurricane in the stash so it'll be interesting to see how this compares to it. Carl
  8. I had the same problem. Kept bumping into things with it. If you use the Master pitot, watch out you don't stab yourself. Ask me how I know.
  9. Nice job on the canopy Rob. Can't wait to see the rest. Carl
  10. Looks great and nice recovery. Carl
  11. "It's Robert Smith of the Cure!!!" I had a classmate who would scream that everytime a Cure video came on.
  12. Looks excellent there Peter. For a simple paint on the rear section, it looks well done to me. All these recent kits with too many unseen/unnecessary parts can be a bit of a drain. Carl
  13. I had to look up what a Brantly B2 is. Interesting looking helicopter.
  14. Sprue Brothers has an option where they'll email you once it's in stock. But then you have to watch your email too.
  15. More like I couldn't get Sunny to move out of frame. But it does work well for showing how small things are.
  16. Fingers crossed here too!
  17. The Comet is out in Canada. My LHS had a bunch in. $70 CAD and Great Hobbies has it for $60 CAD. It's a nice kit and I'll grab it soon myself. Carl
  18. Time to add the detail bits to the sub-assembly. Lots of piping to add. Thankfully they're moulded in ABS so they're a bit stronger than the usual styrene. Then time for paint and blending in. So one done, one to go.
  19. Onto some progress with the mandibles. Following the instructions (heresy I know ) I assembled the sidewalls. One thing that's been fun with this build has been identifying the various model parts that were used on the original and that have been reproduced on this kit. Here's a car chassis. There's a ton of tank parts and F1 model bits on here too. See the transmission on the left side. With the maintenance pits in place. I then glued the two halves together even though the model is press fit. Just wanted to be sure.
  20. Canuck decals did some of those panels as decals so not a bad idea. For the tail ones, maybe paint the grey panel first, mask over it and then do the NMF? I did that on mine and it worked out. Carl
  21. Great progress on the Corsair. Still my favourite prop plane. Nice to hear that the masks fit properly. I've had a few mask sets where the fit isn't quite there and you end up having to fix them. Carl
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