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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. No pics but I got a box of clear parts for the Border Lanc. They're presumably for the one I won in the LSM raffle a while back. Ernie thinks Sprue Bros is sending the kit out as individual sprues...making it like one of those monthly subscription kits.
  2. Those headphones are going to a big piece of cargo. The detail on everything otherwise is pretty impressive. Carl
  3. That last photo really looks amazing. The weathering on the fuselage band is phenomenal and definitely worth being proud of. Those 1man Army stencils look great too. I might have to consider them in future. Carl
  4. Last fall I was doing the winter tire changeover when I picked up a tire the wrong way. Doubled over in absolute agony. I was stuck there in the garage bent over leaning on the tire I had tried to lift. I couldn't call Sue as my phone was in the car which was outside and I was in the garage. After about 15 minutes like that a neighbour happened to be walking by in the laneway. I asked him to call Sue out to give me a hand into the house. I couldn't move for the rest of the day. The next morning Sue booked me into a local chiropractic/physiotherapy clinic. The chiropractor got my back straightened out so I could actually stand upright and walk out. Wasn't 100% but after some stretches (as Gary said, they do work) and a follow up visit, I was more or less back to normal. I still try to watch how I move my back and lift things but once in a while I do something stupid and sometimes pay the price. Carl
  5. Happy Thanksgiving folks!
  6. Thanks Ernie! Hopefully you get to that Eagle one day. Should look spectacular with your skills. Carl
  7. Dropped in to visit a friend from the U.S. and he brought me a gift. Something most '80s sci-fi fans should recognize: Sure the colours may be a bit off but still.
  8. What? Not 37"?? Or would that have been overkill?
  9. Looks like it worked out. Carl
  10. I saw that and will have to copy that. One of them on mine is broken but I don't have the bit that broke off. Paul was about to send me a replacement when he had his fire.
  11. Oh man, I have this in the stash. Don't think mine is warped but the intake is cracked. Carl
  12. We had a conference once at Casino Niagara. I had to cross the casino floor to get to our conference room and got asked for ID by the security guard. I was 34 at the time. He was like "Oops, sorry. Thought you were younger". Only time I've been on a casino floor.
  13. Still haven't been to Vegas so haven't had a chance to lose all my money. Yet.
  14. Good for reenacting that scene from Goodfellas. Stunning looking ride Ernie. Glad you pulled that off the SoD. Sue still wants a leadsled of some sort or a stepside pickup. But with the amount of salt on our roads, they're usually just held together by the salt stains and maybe baling wire.
  15. Rob, I like the approach you're taking with the multiple layers of paint to get that worn look. I did the same thing on my birdcage Corsair. Carl
  16. If you want a new different engine in a Corsair, look for the F2G Corsair. It also had a bubble top canopy and cut down rear fuselage. I wish someone did that version in 1/32. Carl
  17. Not sure if full strength ammonia is available here. At least I've never seen it. They are handy jars aren't they?
  18. I drop empty Tamiya acrylic bottles into a tub with a squirt liquid Tide laundry detergent and water. After a day or two, I have clean jars ready to use. Carl
  19. Did she win anything?
  20. Don't tempt me Martin.
  21. My sons decided to 1) surprise me 2) spoil me For my belated 50th, they got me the following: Now I have confirmation that my sons have way more money than Sue or I. Carl
  22. Looks great John. Glad you got it off the SoD, even if it was only there for a few hours. Carl
  23. Looks good Gary. Never built a half-track yet. I have the Dragon M16 in the stash but none of the German ones. Carl
  24. Ernie, anything you don't have? Blue police phone box maybe? Carl
  25. More paintwork done before I start assembly on the second mandible. The initial colour coat. Second coat of paint and a bit more refined.
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