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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Indeed. Just don't let your 2 1/2 year old son test fly it after completion. As for HGW belts, in case you don't already do so, I find it easier to leave the buckles attached to the fret and thread the belts through them before cutting them loose. Just made sure the attachment points aren't in the way of the belt.
  2. Merry Christmas from where we're actually getting a white Christmas for once! Saying that, I know you don't miss the fluffy white stuff Ernie. Carl
  3. Merry Christmas everyone! Carl
  4. Merry Christmas everyone! Carl
  5. Yup, a BAe F6 please!
  6. They are pretty awesome. Just don't drop them or they will break. Broke the blade on my first one that way so I'm on my second pair.
  7. +3 on the boxart! I used to cut out nice box art and out it up in my room as a kid. I really liked the Hasegawa ones done by Shigeo Koike. I still remember coming across their '73 Trans Am. Looked absolutely stunning. Then I saw the small plastic by Monogram label. Nearly bought it just for the box art.
  8. Reminds me of those Midway rides. He should sell tickets.
  9. Oh yeah, hard to forget that. And how Bomber Command got left out at the end of the war. Took forever for them to finally get a proper memorial too.
  10. And I guess the same for your build too Ernie!
  11. Being Canadian and living near to Billy Bishop airport, I approve of your markings choice. Carl
  12. But I thought it was H for Harv?
  13. I went through the kits I bought this year and only two are 2020 releases. Both just arrived from HLJ this afternoon in the mail. At least one is a plane.
  14. Great article and thanks for sharing Jeff. Carl
  15. Hi Gus, Thanks! Sue wants to go back at some point. She has family in Scotland still. We did indeed have a dinner there. It was great fish & chips. Didn't try the deep fried Mars bar though. Carl
  16. Got back to working on the Stratos. The front suspension and bulkheads are quite the jigsaw puzzle. Dry fit on the chassis. I've decided to start with the side panels as they seem to have the most positive fit to the chassis and go from there.
  17. Fantastic looking boat. Wish I knew that when we stayed in Anstruther a couple years ago when we visited Scotland.
  18. Ok, I'm pulling up a seat for this. My favourite WWI plane. Carl
  19. Jeff, my boys have been recipients of your giving so for me personally I'd say you've done your part. The same goes for Harv, Ernie and others here. Carl
  20. I second that! Carl
  21. I think Santa would need an Antonov for Ernie's stash.
  22. Thankfully there were no significant injuries. They've shut their webstore down so no orders are going thru. Makes sense until they know what they have to sell. Carl
  23. Really impressive looking build. What are the straps hanging down from below the cockpit? Carl
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