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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. They are definitely destinctive. Oddly enough, I wouldn't mind a Sherp. Have no idea what I would do with one except not get stuck in the winter time.
  2. Very nice! Just made me looks for Ladas in Canada. None for sale at the moment. Carl
  3. Fantastic paint job.
  4. Seriously impressive. If I built something that big, at least I'd have someplace to stay. Carl
  5. Indeed and a good thing too as I couldn't find my decals. Can't wait to see it once the clear dries. Carl
  6. You get the same reaction if you use any of the Gunze or Tamiya thinners with Xtracrylix.
  7. Indeed. Too bad shipping kills it for me. HLJ just had a one day sale on ZM kits. The Hs-129 was $118 CAD but the only shipping option was $125!
  8. Ok John, I'll take a look and see.
  9. John, is that the decals I sent you earlier? If not, I can see if I have it. Carl
  10. I just realized I have the ZM weapon set which has the M117 in it. I glued one together quickly.
  11. Starting to put the engine together on the Stratos.
  12. Maybe start with 5:1 paint to retarder. It does thin the paint at the same time so you don't want to add too much.
  13. Isn't that why you have the M61?
  14. Same here. Doing large scale car bodies and even bigger RC car bodies are the challenge for me. RC car bodies have the added challenge of painting them from the inside so you have to reverse your colour order.
  15. Actually, that's all Mr Color Levelling thinner is. It's regular Mr Color lacquer thinner premixed with their retarder. There's an article on the Gunze website about it and how they don't recommend it for a flat finish. The longer drying time is great for gloss coats but not so much for a flat one.
  16. The retarders are indeed great if you're using their paints for brush painting. Tamiya also has their own version of Mr Color Levelling thinner which is premixed with their retarder.
  17. Man, I had a hard time finding a pic of me. Most are either my arms holding a cat, or my lap with a cat or my kids. Finally found one from last year two months after my bypass. Carl
  18. Looks great Pete. Seems like it went together nicely too. Carl
  19. Rob, it looks good to me. Just needs some wheels. Carl
  20. The silver plastic definitely makes the details look a bit soft. I'm glad they've moved away from it in their more recent releases. Carl
  21. Thanks Phil! The Panther and Jagdpanther didn't use narrower transport tracks the way the Tigers did. They just hung over the sides a bit in the pics I've seen. Carl
  22. It can be a fiddly kit but I enjoyed it. The biggest thing to watch for is the wing fillet. Glue it to the fuselage instead of the wing and it makes things much easier.
  23. Finally got a piece of wood to make a base for the Jagdpanther and railcar.
  24. Looks great Rob. I thought the polished aluminum made it look like a die cast car. Carl
  25. Just got a small package from the big H. A couple more pieces of the puzzle for the Lanc. And some masks for stuff in the stash.
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