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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I use - 3 tablespoons salt - 2 tablespoons brown sugar - 2 tablespoons maple syrup - 2 tablespoons Chivas - 2 1/2 cups of water I put the meat into a large Ziploc and squeeze as much air out so don't need as much brine. I used to make a couple litres and drop it in a huge cooler but this is much more efficient. I let it brine for at least 24 hours but usually 48. I've used it on brisket, pork, and turkey so far.
  2. I was just reading on Cybermodeler that Kitlinx has Xtracolor paints. I looked it up and they've got the Green in stock. https://www.kitlinx.com/cgi/display.cgi?item_num=XOX001&title=RAF-Dark-Green
  3. I worked a couple years in the local butcher shop. Man, seeing half a side come in was just a crazy amount of meat. No way it would fit in our freezer that's for sure. I think I could do a whole lamb though. That would be just as tasty too. I broke down and grabbed a whole pork shoulder. Got it in a brine and will throw it on the grill Sunday.
  4. You guys are making me hungry. Going to to have to dig out the BBQ now thanks to all this talk of cow. Carl
  5. I got the green onto the fuselage today. First I attached the canopy, masked it and sprayed the inside colour. Then I did the primary colour coat. I forgot to post a pic of the engine burners that I did yesterday so here it is. Quick test fit to see how the camo works together.
  6. I got the wings painted last night. I started with the light grey/blue. I then added the green to the outer edges. Then the burner can sections were masked off and I sprayed those in AK titanium.
  7. Nice find Gaz! When I was building my UH-1C, I found pics of some where the M-134 miniguns had the barrels chromed. They certainly knew how to decorate their choppers. Carl
  8. I'll try to get to a post office later today or tomorrow. Carl
  9. In case others are interested, I thought I'd post these pics here. Doing a closer comparison of the various superchargers Tamiya had moulded for their kits, the one in the Mosquito looks to be the closest to the HK kit. I quickly pieced together one of the HK Merlins. Here's the Tamiya supercharger from the same angle: HK oil tank: Tamiya: For fun, here's the Eduard Merlin. This is just the block, one cylinder bank and supercharger. Comparing some of the other Eduard bits, it would also be a good choice for the Lanc.
  10. Fran, it's been a a great kit so far. The fit has been great and same with the engineering.
  11. Here's the lower camo colour done.
  12. Thanks folks! It's been a bit crazy at work so I haven't had as much time at the bench. I finally had some free time so started on the paint. I filled in a couple small seams and sanded them back. I decided to give Jeroen's shading technique a try on the bare plastic. After all if it doesn't work out who's going to say it's inaccurate? The shape of the fuselage really makes me want to put a shark mouth on it. We'll see if I can find something suitable. Carl
  13. You're off to a great start Ernie. I like the idea of Ryan's Raiders myself. They had the wraparound camo right? Carl
  14. I dug through my spares. I have a full engine sprue. Here's the core sprue. For the supercharger, Tamiya has three different variants (four actually as the Mustang has yet another but I need that one) The Spitfire VIII and IX have this one: The Spitfire XVI is this one: The Mosquito is this one: Here's the main engine sprue compared to the HK Lanc one. It's definitely more detailed. Let me know if you want the engine. For the superchargers,
  15. Ian, Let me see what I have. Usually you need the engine block and supercharger when doing a closed cowl on the Spitfire but I did convert one to a XIV so those parts may be around. Carl
  16. Looks good Harv. Definitely looking like a Tempest! Just need to add the yellow leading edge stripes so they don't mistake it for a 190. Carl
  17. Ian, would parts from a Tamiya Merlin work on the open cowl one? I've got lots of spare bits from all the Spitfires I did with a closed cowl. Mostly cylinder banks, heads and the small bits. Carl
  18. Nice one! I just email Scaleworx the other day about the 2 seater Cheetah D conversion. I'll have to get that once it's out. I always thought the Kfir looked good. Then I saw the Cheetah... Carl
  19. Harv, I looked for one at the same time as I was searching for the fuel tanks but no luck in my stash. Carl
  20. Harv, saw this after our talk yesterday. Carl
  21. Even cooler. I missed out on the bubble top when it first came out and bow all I can find are the car door versions. Probably for the better since it's such a big kit as you mentioned.
  22. Looks good there Gus. Is that the MDC kit? Carl
  23. So, very, very true. I'm definitely guilty of that one. Great work Phil.
  24. I just finished my bottle of Woodford Reserve. So I had to switch back to single malt... Jeff, I've got the Symphony setup and it's been great. My bench is a lot more organized. Not that you can tell at times. Carl
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