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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. My dad told me they were in the underground tunnels that the Army had dug into the island. It was sort of like Gibraltar. Everyone was garrisonned underground due to the occasional shelling. I don't think he saw any of the 104s but I'll ask him next time. One of the things that they did on the island to pass time was there was some sort of factory that made tank shaped liquor bottles. You could only get them on the island. There's one at my parents' house. It looks like an M48 with really soft details.
  2. Thanks Dale! I installed the gear last night. Right side up. Getting close to the finish line. Carl
  3. Got some more done on the plane. I installed the cowl MGs. I then installed the exhausts. I had already assembled and painted them. Next up was the lower chin rad and the flaps.
  4. It looks really nice there Ernie. I like how you've highlighted the surface detail. Even if it isn't permanent, it really shows how fine it is. Carl
  5. I think my parents may have been there but a bit later. They were both part of the Taiwanese Army as teens since Taiwan had conscription at the time.
  6. I can send you some if you can't source any Ernie. No idea what the postage would be though. It's looking more and more likely that the school year is now done as far as kids being in a physical classroom. On Monday, they're starting the online lessons for my boys. Hopefully that goes ok. Even half ok. A friend stopped by on his way home from his business. We chatted in the laneway behind our house maintaining the mandatory 6 ft distance. His business was initially considered an essential service (bike shop) but was removed from the provincial list this morning. He's relieved as before, he had to stay open and he was getting p!ssed that people wouldn't respect the social distancing.
  7. Thanks Ron! The decals are now on.
  8. Great pics Martin! Thanks for sharing as always.
  9. Probably my least favourite part of a tank. All the bogies that need seam clean up.
  10. Ok, I spent the morning masking and painting the various markings on the plane. The squiggle on the starboard side had part of the white outline lift. I think I might just leave it as weathering.
  11. Forgot to say, great looking cockpit too.
  12. Ernie, here's the colours you're looking for. https://store.spruebrothers.com/product_p/htkc0010xxx.htm https://store.spruebrothers.com/product_p/htkc0011xxx.htm They're in stock too.
  13. Thanks guys! Winter camo is on now. Markings are next but probably tomorrow at this point.
  14. Would the Quickboost R-2800 work as a substitute? https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/QB32036?result-token=CPsjU
  15. I've now added the RLM 70 squiggles to the fuselage sides. The white wash coat will be next.
  16. Thanks Ryan! It was more a silly mistake. Not the end of the world.
  17. And with the correct colours in their proper place.
  18. So here's what the 109 looks like at the moment. So much for a two tone camo. Thankfully it's easy enough to fix. I'll just spray the RLM 75 where it's supposed to go. I hope.
  19. Ugh, I went down to the bench this morning looking to mask off and spray the second colour for the upper camo. After I finished masking off the paint from yesterday, I realized that I used the wrong colour. The areas I painted were in RLM 75 instead of 76. Or is that the other way around? Or was it supposed to be RLM 74? Anyways, I stripped the masking and I've painted the correct sections of the plane so hopefully will try again tonight.
  20. Thanks Dale! Maybe third time's the charm?
  21. The nice thing about spraying Mr Color is how fast it dries. I've managed to start on the upper side camo.
  22. Nice! How did you bend the tubing without it crimping?
  23. That's what I used. The lighter shades are AK Real Color RC060 Dunkelgelb oversprayed and undersprayed and generally sprayed around.
  24. Wasn't there a Daytona 24 hour race car that was duck taped back together after a crash and still finished the race? Maybe the Prius owner is going for an homage?
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