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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Sometimes you gotta love the humour in things. https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/trafficking-supect-in-hamilton-hit-with-non-essential-business-fine-1.4875724
  2. Getting there Harv. I've come across a few kits where they make you slice off rivets or numbers from a sprue and glue them onto other bits. I think I tried it once and gave up. But that was in 1/35 so the rivets were much tinier. Carl
  3. Thanks Ernie! I've sprayed the yellow panels on the underside. Once that's dry, I'll start on the upper side camo. Carl
  4. Thanks Harv! One more step done. The decals are on. All 5 of them. My kind of decal count.
  5. I'd say the F-16 as well. Carl
  6. I got lazy and used decals for the fin flash. Worse than lazy, I used the kit decals... Hopefully this doesn't bite me in the butt too much.
  7. Some nice progress there Harv.
  8. It certainly is. Will have to see about stocking up again once it's safe.
  9. Not sure on that one. I've got two boys, 9 and almost 7. They've been out of school for 2 weeks already. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal for me as a stay home dad. I'd just take them to the park or a movie or some other attraction. The problem is they're all closed. Thankfully we have a backyard and deadend laneway they can play in. But it's getting tough though. Carl
  10. Good news! Cleaning up around my bench I found the missing canopy section. So this should be back on the bench soon. Carl
  11. Ok, I've joined the turret and hull.  Next up are decals and some weathering.
  12. Stunning detail! Carl
  13. Anyone know if there are AM bulged bomb bay doors available for the HK Lancaster? I'm looking to do the wartime VR-A Lancaster and it had the bulged doors. Failing that, if anyone know of some plans available I may give a try at making some. Thanks, Carl
  14. Somehow I completely missed that you were building the two seater. I thought for some reason this was the night fighter variant. Anyways, nice job on fixing the moulding defects. Carl
  15. That's a very impressive looking cockpit Ernie. Are you going to paint it?
  16. The more I see of this kit, the more I'm liking it. It's definitely got the correct way to PE bits. Carl
  17. It's an easy mistake to make with Tamiya being the Japanese distributor for Italeri and re-boxing many of their kits.
  18. Actually Tamiya did a new tool Hetzer about 4-5 years ago. It's quite a step up from the much older Italeri one. https://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/reviews/vehicles/tamiya/tam35285.html The Eduard Hetzer was their own kit too and included a full interior but I found it incredibly fiddly to build.
  19. Phil, the Tempest looks great. I'd say the patch would be fine. Adds to the weathering.
  20. They certainly seem that way on a first look.
  21. Tamiya now makes a Hetzer as well. One is on my wants list after trying to deal with the Eduard one.
  22. Picked up a couple books. The one on Silver Stars is too late for my build but still worth reading. The Starfighter one will be handy for my CF-104D. Carl
  23. Nice to see that it should work out for most single engine planes in our scale.
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