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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I recieved my Christmas raffle prize from Harv the other day: Thanks Harv! Carl
  2. I've always liked the J2M Raiden. I built a bunch of the old LS 1/72 kits when I was younger and always liked it. I've got the ZM one in the stash that I'll need to do one day. For modern stuff, the F-2 is pretty , especially in the blue camo. There's also the CFA-44 Nosferatu but I don't know if that qualifies as Japanese. Catl
  3. The Eduard stuff for the Trumpet kit is in stock at Hannants.
  4. Ernie, how about the Yahu IP panel? https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/YMA3248?result-token=YG04j
  5. Can't blame you there John. The Mossie is such an involved kit, even OOB. There's so much detail to it even though it all fits where it's supposed to. Almost too much. I burned out on mine as well. Took me almost a year to get around to finishing it. Which I'm glad I did.
  6. I'm finally done with all the stickers! Now for a quick satin clear coat and maybe a wash.
  7. Don't worry Tim. Mine more than compensates for Phil's Although it's not as bad as the pic any more.
  8. They're back on sale today and tomorrow.
  9. I've got the same one in the stash. Haven't decided which option I'll choose yet. Anyone know the variant Snoopy flew?
  10. Really nice work on the Pfaltz Rob. Especially the rigging. I started on the decals for the Celica. Still needs side mirrors and mudflaps to finish it off. Carl
  11. I was going to say I wasn't sure but then remembered I had Jake Melampy's The Modern Hornet Guide in the library. So according to that, the front cockpit is minimally different. The C/D cockpit has a digital fuel control panel while the A and B have an analog one. This is the bottom left bit on the IP under the left most screen. For the rear IP panel, there are potentially more differences. All B and early D IPs are the same except for the same fuel control panel as the front. Later D models have an extra screen in the middle that replaces some switches and small displays. The D has several electronic boxes on the turtle deck (the shelf behind the rear seat) that are not present on the B. Hope that helps. If you can find a copy of Jake's book, it's well worth it. Carl
  12. Ok, I've found something suitable: I've got some Montex masks and a simple Eduard PE set for the IP. I should be good to go! Carl
  13. Nice new kits Rog! I've got these two and have built the Skyraider. The wings even fold as designed. Carl
  14. Same here. I think it's a marketing ploy. Make the bottles tippy so people have to buy them more often.
  15. Looks good there Harv. The extras you're adding make quite the improvement. Carl
  16. I think they may belong to one of those lost Japanese garrisons that didn't know the war ended?
  17. I know, I know. For a rally car it isn't dirty enough. Buy I'm still working on it.
  18. Go Harv! The first time I saw that box art, I thought the open engine hatches looked like big bunny ears. Carl
  19. This will be fun to watch. Nice find on the engine video Ryan. Can't wait to see you start yours Harv. Just go for it. Carl
  20. Some great looking builds there guys. I've got a couple Star Wars subjects of the bench at the moment. First up is my pre-shading experiment Millennium Falcon. It's getting closer to final assembly. Beside it is my Fine Molds Y-Wing fighter. The pilot ejected so I need to find him before I put the canopy on and call that one done. As for the neatness of the bench, that's an anomaly. I'm in the midst of making room for my boys so they have space to build their kits. I just took the opportunity to use that cleared space for my pic. So no need to panic. Carl
  21. I definitely need at least a couple for my kids as they've knocked over a bottle or two of cement. Of course I've knocked over a bottle or two of cement at some point so maybe I should get a few... Link for ordering: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/10660542 Carl
  22. Man, Harpoons on a P-47! The U-boats would have given up in a heartbeat. The again, I did mount a FLIR on a P-51... Carl
  23. The Feb 1 start works for me nicely.
  24. The big concern my wife has is where do the finished kits go? I'm currently planning on reorganizing the basement so I'll have space for my finished builds which are currently spread out throughout the house. I think my youngest might be able to fit in it. He could ride it to school then.
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