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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I got it a couple weeks ago and have to agree with you John. The map they include showing where most of the tanks were in Berlin was a very nice touch. Carl
  2. Agree with all of the above! It's fun here. Carl
  3. I can't make Texas as it'll be my parents' 50th at the same time and we're expected to be there. However, I will be at Vegas in 2021 since it'll be my 50th birthday. So just a bit longer before I get to meet you all. Carl
  4. Thanks John! Thanks to a unexpected health issue, I was told not to lift anything more than 10 lbs so models are all I can do
  5. Fantastic looking plane and presentation!
  6. Here's my somewhat varied list of completed projects: Dragon BF110 Eduard BF109 E4 Junkers D1 Bandai Mecha Colle Star Destroyer Miniart Dingo Meng Jagdpanther G1 Tamiya M51 Super Sherman Asuka Sherman III Special Hobby CT-133 Hasegawa VF-19 Excalibur Trumpeter Mi-24 Hind I may have one more but that depends on how much free time I have tomorrow. Carl Edit: I forgot the Industria Mechanika Zero https://photos.smugmug.com/Hobbies/Industria-Mechanica-Zero/i-fv6xZHf/0/14bf22d0/L/IMG_20191215_134422-L.jpg
  7. There's a lot of fantastic builds on here. Thanks for sharing everyone!
  8. Something out of my comfort zone but it seemed like the right time to build it. As mentioned previously, this came about through an effort by Here Clunk to get me to try building a biplane. The kit is all resin with the struts reinforced with metal rods. The fuselage even has alignment pegs moulded onto it. Like seemingly all Hawker aircraft (I haven't checked the Hunter), there's a tubular frame to the cockpit. My copy had a couple breaks in it along with some resin flash. Rather than try to clean things up and fix the breaks, I decided to give making a replacement from styrene rod a try. Here's the first one almost done. Carl
  9. Years ago, Ernie sent me a Silver Wings Hawker Hart as an enticement to join the Dark side of the Force and build models with more than one main wing. I decided it was finally time to give it a shot. The cockpit framing is a bit warped and has some breakages so I've started on making new ones from plastic rod. Let's see how that works out. Carl
  10. Took my two boys to it on Friday. I enjoyed it and so did they. There's a few "What was that ?" moments but overall I had fun. My sons enjoyed it enough they waited until it was over to run to the bathroom (they're 6 and 8). Carl
  11. The box art looked nice?
  12. Very nice looking Merlin there John. Even though a bunch of it is the same parts used in their Spitfire and Mustang kits it looks so much more detailed in the Mossie. Carl
  13. If anyone hasn't won a prize in the raffle, please contact me and I will send you the Eduard BF109 that Dale won as per above. Thanks Dale and thanks again to Ernie plus everyone else that participated in any way. Carl
  14. Ernie, I'm thinking I'll take the Dambuster version as I have the HK Lanc already to build VR-A in wartime. Count me in for that. This will be one big project. Carl
  15. Wow, I'm completely speechless. Ernie, I don't think I could thank you enough. Not just for the grand prize, or overseeing this great draw, but also for making this place so much fun. You really do make it fun to be here. Thanks again!!! Carl
  16. Merry Christmas everyone! Carl
  17. Nice progress Tony. The one thing that's really stopping me from getting this is the rotor span. Helos can take up a fair amount of space. My Hind sort of proved that to me. It would be cool to have one next to it though. Carl
  18. The Tamiya VIII is a very nice kit. I've built one as an VIII and converted a couple more to a VII, XI and XIV. Dale, if you're looking to add a V to your collection maybe start with the Revell II and use the AML V conversion set? I think it may out to be less than a Hobby Boss V would be before corrections. Carl
  19. I'd feel right at home at your bench Dale. Carl
  20. My sister and her family are visiting from Wisconsin for the holidays and they took the boys out to a Christmas market so I had some time at the bench today. Got the majority of the main decals done. There's some stencils left to apply and the 109 needs some legs. Hopefully I'll have both down before the end of the year. Carl
  21. Looks like a very nice kit indeed. I'm partial to the box art one with the shark mouth. Can't wait to see this started. Carl
  22. Glad to hear you're home for the holidays Martin! Carl
  23. Thanks guys! I'm into the home stretch now with possibly my least favourite bit: decals. I started with the fuselage crosses and then the one on the rudder. Next up will be the wing ones and the exhaust and it'll be done.
  24. I've got a bunch of Model Air paints that I've given to my boys to use for their builds. I kept getting mixed results with them they love them but they're mostly brush painting with them.
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