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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Jeff, the odd part is the lacquer lifted as well as the acrylic. The RLM 02 is AK lacquer and the RLM 70 is Gunze Aqueous. So I suspect there must have been some surface contamination. Here it is after touch up and with the white wing tips done. Carl
  2. Whoops, started clipping sprues, then the glue came out, spent some time throwing paint with my airbrush and this happened: Oddly, had the same paint peeling that Jereon experienced on his BF-109 so touchups are coming... Carl
  3. John, if the Mossie racks are suitable let me know. I have two sets in the spare parts box. Carl
  4. I checked Grey Matter and MDC. I couldn't find any bomb racks for the Hurricane. The Fly kit doesn't seem to have them either. Tamiya's Spitfire kit had bomb racks as does their Mossie. I don't know if one of those would be suitable though. Carl
  5. Wumm, I actually haven't started gluing bits together even though it's so very tempting. I have looked inside the box and I'm suitably impressed, especially for the price. The suspension is the same as on the Jagdpanther I built earlier this year and I didn't have any issues then so don't expect any now. The rest looks very nice. The only thing I'm not fond of is the indie track links. Each tooth is a separate part and unlike the Takoma ones, you've got to trim and glue them on one at a time. The RFM links are easier to assemble as you assemble several links at a time and they're workable. I haven't decided what tracks I'll use once I do start building it. Carl
  6. Thanks Dale! It's a mecha version of an A6M Zero. Carl
  7. This came in the mail on the weekend: Along with a new kit for the stash. Carl
  8. I managed to get a decent amount of time at the bench today. I painted and attached the control surfaces. Next up, I annealed, rolled and assembled the MGs. They turned out better than I anticipated.
  9. I'm still wrapping my head around this monster but the nose weights are the icing on the cake. It is unfortunate that they had to do the tail in solid resin. Hope you get over the flu soon. We just got flu shots for the boys today. More to keep their grandparents as healthy as possible since little kids are veritable germ factories.
  10. Your work looks great to me Dale. Can't wait to see more so please keep at it. Carl
  11. Flory washes should be fine Dale. I've used the Vallejo washes as well without any adverse effects.
  12. Got the Zero finished! My first post op bulld completion. Carl
  13. Phil, thankfully everything is a different coloured plastic. Or at least most of it is. I'm on track with my recovery. Saw the cardiologist the week before and the cardiac surgeon this past Thursday. Both said I'm recovering nicely but that wasn't an excuse to over do anything. That is indeed Sunny our rescue cat. He's so curious I've had to move stuff around so he doesn't knock things over or break them. There's been a couple casualties already but thankfully I was able to move them to safer ground after making repairs. He's definitely a content cat. Carl
  14. I've been plugging away at the Junkers. After checking the seams and doing a bit of filling and sanding, I sprayed on a base coat of Gunze Silver. I also painted the cowling panels prior to installing them. On the marking profiles of the plane I'm doing, the drawings show a tonal variation that gives a bit of a tiger stripe finish to the wings. To achieve that, I masked off the wings one at a time and sprayed them with dark aluminum. Here's the results on the first wing. I then repeated the steps for the other wing. It's reasonably subtle enough that I'm happy with it. Carl
  15. Awesome progress there Jeroen. It really captures what you see in the pics. Carl
  16. Thankfully no Lamborghini wheels in sight. Hopefully with their own dedicated space on the bench, it'll be less chaotic for my boys. As for the cat, he's the smart one: It does mean I have watch where I put the CA glue so he doesn't become a permanent part of the bench . I still don't know how sleeepin on top of sprues, PE and tools can be comfortable though. Carl
  17. Free shipping too but for the US only.
  18. FreeTime Hobbies is having a moving sale and they have the HK Lanc on sale. https://freetimehobbies.com/1-32-hk-models-avro-lancaster-mk1-s-sugar-le-edition-w-clear-parts/ They also have other HK kits at a pretty good price. Carl
  19. Happy birthday Jeroen! Carl
  20. Not by a long shot. My bench "area" pretty much looks like that. I'm in the middle of trying to make room on my bench for my boys but I'm failing miserably. Anything not on a shelf is technically a work in progress. I don't even know what everything is. So I'm definitely not as organized as CAT is. My plan for the new year is to try and get through at least one pile of started kits...
  21. I don't have the kit but I understand the Aerocraft brass landing gear is a must buy. Carl
  22. Archer transfers I believe has some as well. Carl
  23. You'll like the X-Wing. It's a very nice kit. If you do any weathering with oil based washes, be careful as they can make the plastic brittle and cause cracking. Carl
  24. Great start Dale! Keep it up and you'll be done in no time! CMK makes resin gear bays so maybe you can get those to replace the ones that got mucked up. https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/CMK5048?result-token=eYa2O Carl
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