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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I took a good look at the benches and have decided to do a major reorganization of them. I have the tool holders all the way at one end and I build at the opposite side which doesn't make sense and explains why nothing gets put back. Here's all the tools that were on the bench instead of in the tool holder. So this will take a few days but I think it'll work out much better.
  2. Yeah, that's a bit much. I think I paid around $60 CAD for mine.
  3. Ernie, I'd have to agree with you that with the amount of field repaints, the camo would most likely be soft edged. Maybe a tight soft edge. As for the markings, at least you caught the errors before getting that far. Rubber black and NATO black are also good options for a faded black.
  4. Very nice. Alayes liked the Jagdpanther.
  5. I ended up giving them a bit of funds. They entered a raffle and actually won a model. The IPMS club that was the host club gave out models to the kids in attendance so they each got one from them. So they ended up with a couple models each. And a UV flashlight for some reason.
  6. Just throwing some kerosene on it!!
  7. Tim, if you find a kit at a recent price, don't hesitate to grab it. Moebius lost the license to BSG a few years ago so they've been OOP for a bit.
  8. Hope these show them a bit better. You can see the reflection on the table top from the lower wing lights On: Off: If you're interested in doing any LED lights, I recommend Evan Design. If you have any sort of questions, email them and they'll help you out. They'll even do custom setups for a nominal fee. I have a setup for my Valkyrie build that they helped me out with. Now back to bench clearing of a different kind.
  9. Had the day off work so I got the Raider finished. I drilled out the laser blasters. It when mounted them to the wings along with the last couple of details. With those done, I wired up the battery and turned the lights on... The red ones on the lower hull blink in unison. Being as big as it is, for now I've put the finished Raider atop the TV console until I hopefully get the new display case built this summer. She's in good company for now. Overall, this was a fun, fairly uncomplicated build and I really enjoyed it.
  10. Took a closer look today at my tool storage and we'll, it's messier than I thought. Not sure if many folks have caught on, but I actually have two benches, one beside the other. Here's the one I do most of my work on. This is my other bench next to it. At least, there is one under everything. Yeah, maybe time to do some tidying.
  11. I picked up a couple kits at Heritagecon this past weekend. I've been looking for this Jeep for a bit. Not many on the ground here. Andy's HHQ had a booth at the show and it was almost half price so hard to say no. I'm hoping to do it as a British one with some extra MGs mounted on it. We'll see what I find. Would love to do a commando version. Next up is another harder to find kit. Yes ,I have one started already that I need to get back to but I want to do this one all folded up. It'll make a nice contrast to the first one which will be all clean.
  12. Pete, the boys had a great time. I think the only lament was they forgot to bring money to buy stuff.
  13. Definitely taking notes for the time when I finally start mine. Great progress and can't wait to start seeing the paint go on.
  14. Where's the squirrel?!!!
  15. Jeff, it was scratch built. There was a couple brochures/booklets with the model, one had plans and the other was the history of the ship. Definitely a little known subject.
  16. I asked him if he'd consider doing a Sherman Firefly. He said if there was one in Georgia, (where his research team is) he would. So maybe that will help narrow things down for future releases?
  17. Martin, the show is always fun. There's a good turnout of vendors, the contest tables tend to be fairly full with quality builds and then there's the environs. You're surrounded by various aircraft, most in flying condition and that just adds to the enjoyment. Andy from Andy's HHQ came up this year. Of course we had some snow just in time for his arrival. I got a chance to chat with him briefly and he seemed like a nice guy. He raffled off the very first publicly available 1/16 M8 Greyhound and announced they're going to have a Canadian website soon. Hopefully that'll mean cheaper shipping for those of us living in America's hat.
  18. One last one. Again, someone having fun with their entry form.
  19. There were a lot of cars but I wasn't able to get pics of most as the tables were quite busy. Here's what I did manage to get.
  20. Sci-fi/fantasy looked to have a decent turnout and a huge variety of subjects. Macross A creative diorama showing a dogfight from Macross using the novelization of the fight as a base. Being Canada, we had to have at least one snowblower diorama. The losing entry when Canada bought the CF-18 Note the posters being put up by the Storm Trooper A cool MCRN ship from The Expanse. Apocalypse tank. A nice sized Mig-31 Dune spice harvester Fun entry form to go with the build. Some dioramas. I believe they were done by Alfred Wong who's a huge sci-fi modeler and has done masters for many garage kit makers. Hellhound gunship from Patlabor 2. One mean helo. Sorry it's out of focus. A couple Star Wars builds. 40K mech. This thing is huge. A fun racer.
  21. Time for some armour There were a decent number of 1/16 builds including this scratch built Stug IV. Takom 1/16 Jeep with working steering.
  22. More aircraft Met the navigator of this Herky Bird. He was hosting the tabletop gaming demo that my sons both tried out. Nicely done Swoose. It had working lights and props. Black Buck Vulcan.
  23. Today was the annual Heritagecon model show held at Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. I went with my two sons and we spent the day there looking at the vendors' tables, the contest entries and the museum aircraft on display. Here's some pics of the contest entries. Overall, I'd say they was a great variety across the different categories and scales. Starting with the aircraft: Meng Apache Lukgraph Fly Hurricane Kitty Hawk Voodoo kit. HK Lanc Trumpy Avenger looking very pregnant Halberd Seahawk Nose presentation of the Dauntless. Lovely looking dorama Halberd XP-47 conversion
  24. Nice start Rog and like Rob said, a great comparison between this and the Beemax kit.
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