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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. There are masks available for the stripes. https://www.culttvmanshop.com/Razor-Crest-paint-masks-172-scale-from-Aztek-Dummy-_p_7307.html They're for the AMT version but you could probably make them work on your kit.
  2. My replacement accessories set for my 1/16 Achilles arrived today. It was sent directly from SOL to me and they even included a small bonus pack marked as a gift. I appreciate that along with their effort in correcting the error. I also received the LEDs for the Cylon Raider. Time to try my hand at a custom lighting setup.
  3. I've received kits shipped from Asia wrapped in bubble wrap and nothing else. Guess folks are trying to save on shipping costs.
  4. Time for more paint. This time I masked the upper sides off and sprayed the black lower sides. I used NATO black to help give it a weathered look.
  5. Thanks Peter. My first real try at mottle camo.
  6. Awesome progress there Peter. Things look to be going smoothly. Thanks for the heads-up on the intakes. I have a couple of these to build so that's good to know. There's a Tamiya Tomcat next to my bench but of a different vintage and quality I need to get back to at some point.
  7. Looks great. Nice upgrade with the turret barrels.
  8. Time for an update on the 262. I went back and forth on getting new masks for the canopy when I decided to just do it the old fashioned way and cut my own. Hopefully they work okay. I then sprayed the touch-ups and the right side of the fuselage in RLM76. I then started on the mottle camo. With the wings unmasked. Next up will be the undersides and engine nacelles.
  9. I read the book after seeing the film but both were fun and enjoyable.
  10. Using heavily thinned gloss black, I sprayed some coats onto the fuselage. Now to let it dry for a bit and then continue.
  11. Got the paint on the bottom done. This took about half a bottle of Tamiya XF-19. The finish is extremely flat so I may give it a semi-gloss or satin clear when I'm done.
  12. Great looking Corsair John. Nice to see an FAA one. They do stand out a bit from the typical USN ones.
  13. Well, going through the drawers on my bench I found a bunch of sandpaper. In the same drawer I found all the cowlings for the 109. It's been a while so I decided to see just how much effort would be needed to fit them. This is just tape and it looks like many seams would tighten up when glued in place.
  14. The Academy B-35 kits are the old Accurate Miniatures moulds. Overall they're a great kit for early B-25s. Interestingly, they share the same cowl issue that the 1/32 HK kits have. The cowl opening is too small. A couple companies make resin replacements or you can sand them to shape.
  15. Nice job on the silver finish. Like the others have said, the weathering has worked out really well.
  16. Reminds me of that pic of a Navy F-4 on a bombing run with the step ladder down. Nice stencil work too.
  17. Tonight I worked on one of the outer wing sections. More squiggles and then the colour coat over top. I also masked off and painted a couple panels in a different shade of grey to help further break things up.
  18. Thanks Peter! It's definitely giving me lots of practice.
  19. Great work Peter. Nice to see you back at it. At least there won't (shouldn't) be any curveballs on this one. I'm trying to figure out the best way to do an F-14B from the Tamiya kit as the Great Wall kit is almost double the price.
  20. With the base coat dry, I started on the colour coat. I'm using XF-19 Sky Grey for this. I figured I'd get some practice on my German squiggle camo at the same time. With the other side done. The modulation is there so I guess it worked. Onto the lower centre fuselage.
  21. Thankfully I have lots of extra paint. This is all paint that I already have one on the paint racks. I had to make a list so I knew what was in there.
  22. Nice paintwork Ernie. The 3 tone USN camo I think is my favourite. It sure got beat up and weathered and then throw in touch-ups and re-pains and you have a huge range of options.
  23. Lovely woodworking there Chris. I've never tried turning something but Lee Valley (a woodworking shop) keeps pushing it.
  24. Looks interesting. Hadn't heard of it so thanks for sharing.
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