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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Fun with PE... ...actually the buckles are plastic but who's checking.
  2. Nice work on the decals Peter. I'm glad to see the kit ones didn't give you any troubles. I'm the same. Took me a couple weeks to get to them on the Andromeda and I still have some for my Millennium Falcon to put on before it's done.
  3. When you get it, you should do a comparison pic so we can see the difference. As for heat, now that Sept had arrived, we've been getting heat advisories as it's been close to 40°C thanks to some crazy humidity.
  4. An MTO Spitfire will be a bit of a change from the more typical green/grey camo.
  5. Peter, I have to agree with you. They're pretty much all that I have. The two that aren't Iwata are made by them for Mr Color.
  6. Yup, that's a reasonable facsimile of my work bench.
  7. Thanks everyone! I haven't given up on the 109. I had to take a step back and that short pause turned into a very long one. Here's the current status of the build. It's a crummy pic but I just wanted to show proof of life and that it wasn't part of the landfill. The wings are on and I'm going to leave the cowls off as some have suggested. Might as well show off some of that otherwise never to be seen again detail. So hopefully once I get some bench space I'll pick this up and cross the finish line with it.
  8. Ron, your logic on the painting makes perfect sense. I just hadn't thought of it. I have a pic of a completed Tiger in red primer rolling out of the factory, presumably off to the paint shed. I paint lots of my models in sub-assemblies as well for the same reasons.
  9. That's a lot of road wheels. I never thought about the camo not completely covering the red primer but it makes sense. Something I would have completely missed so thanks for that.
  10. Iwata has a clearance section on their website so I picked up a couple new airbrushes from them. I'm hoping these will be great to use for either small detail work or those times you just have a tiny amount of paint to spray. On the Eclipse, I can change the colour cup to something larger if I want to but I have other airbrushes for that.
  11. Great idea on the pill bottle to wrap the tracks around to get paint in between. I'll have to remember that for when I do mine.
  12. Welcome aboard and you're off to a great start! Carl
  13. Space battleships Rob! The 1/500 version of the title ship Yamato has a limited edition PE set for it. Just a few railings thankfully.
  14. Ron, the Tiger is really coming along. For the side fenders, are you going to use the kit ones or something AM? There's nothing out there for the kit specifically yet but I grabbed some meant for the Tamiya kit hoping they work.
  15. Great deals for those of south of the border sadly, shipping to the Great White North wipes that out and then some!
  16. Thanks for the update Ernie. Glad to hear Harv is getting some mobility back. Here's to hoping things continue to get better.
  17. Very nice Hurricane John. Glad to hear there's finally a decent fitting 1/32 kit on the market. I've built both the PCM and Fly versions. Both were enjoyable but definitely not shake and bake kits.
  18. Some weathering done on the cockpit tub. More to break up the shear uniformity of the black.
  19. Cool! I have all of those in the stash to build.
  20. Thanks John. I've taken it out of the box so many times and dry fitted bits that it just seemed time to build it. I'll be doing mine with the wings unfolded. I had the folded wings but sent that one to Scott for his build.
  21. Well, this has been in the stash long enough and watching @ScottsGT build his Hobbycraft version was enough impetus to start on mine. Forgot to take a box pic but imagine lots of white tissue with resin unobtainium inside. So like most aircraft builds, I started with the cockpit. I did a base coat of NATO black and then added some RLM66 over top.
  22. I feel your pain on the tracks. At least they're a decent size. The craziest ones I've done were Model Kasten T-48 tracks for a Sherman. 2 pins, 2 track pad halves, 2 end connectors, 1 duck bill and 2 rivets per track link. All needing removal and cleanup before assembly.
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