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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. She is looking great Peter glad you are back in the saddle.
  2. I was wondering if this was going to a show I say go for it very nice work you have accomplished thus far.
  3. N.Africa here I come!!
  4. Me I just got the Academy 1/48 B-25.
  5. You got it it's a sign!!
  6. It was used mainly by police back starting in the 20's it went through several round changes but the round would match the sidearm.A quick rundown. https://www.worthpoint.com/dictionary/p/firearms-and-accessories/rifles-manufacturers/destroyer-carbine
  7. Thanks Peter working over some motor launches ATTM how far do I detail? Yeah Paul about to pull out the Paduka wood tonight and start the base.
  8. I bid on this today had 450 with one bump in the middle of the night backed it down to 400 w/one bump went for 475.I just did not feel right getting up off the cash ATTM thought it was a really interesting piece I esp. like carbines maybe another day? Lot 335: Spanish Destroyer Bolt Action Carbine in .38 ACP
  9. The process......you going over the clear with some acrylics?I have only done one water scape a 1/700 Indianapolis is was so/so.
  10. Nice! I have this one in the stash I think the "B" version might put it in the GB here or go a B-25.The wear and tear looks very good also looking forward to the end results.
  11. Yeah Guy when I get to the hanger six more rows of handmade ladders to be installed.
  12. And to think I may be at 40%?The correct 20mm Flakerling on top.
  13. Very Nice work Mike and one cool scheme.
  14. Looks orange to me Ralph.
  15. But I like that color something different for sure John.
  16. I am glad I am not that much of a perfectionist with plastic ...wood I take it up a notch.I wood never get done great work Ernie.
  17. They do Andy's review was the that the application was quite nice and effective.
  18. Finally got my Takom order from Andy's 3X Tigers early,mid and late.The other order from SB's HobbyBoss 1/32 F-84
  19. I would take some stryene and fill in under the window and sand it down till you get the fit you want and filler the rest other than that Peter she really looks good to go.Short run kits are what they are some better than other PCM being better in most cases but work still needed.
  20. Got some Nice paint on that interior Dave!
  21. That's looking good Peter when I saw done I went WTH is he getting like John?I take a week off and Wa La he's done!
  22. She's a big girl and coming together Nicely Scott.
  23. I have one in the stash myself Ralph she came out real saswweeeet!!
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