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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Anticipation...Anticipation...........
  2. Where's the plastic..................will be following along Mike.
  3. This is coming out really Nice Carl.
  4. That came out quite Nice John.
  5. Nice!!
  6. Some really Nice Work Martin and you seriously whooping this birds arse.
  7. I have a few coins mainly Morgan Dollars Maru I cut some loose about five years ago just sitting on maybe 50 ATTM then I like the collectors set of Canadian Wildlife series in Silver and a bunch of South African Krugerrands in Silver.
  8. I just hope the character development continues like "Band Of Brothers" and "Pacific" both were excellent in that area.I like to read Clive Cussler and his development of Remi/Sam Fargo is most excellent.
  9. I like this one Ralph!
  10. My entry for the Twin GB arrived from SB today.
  11. I do not recall Guy if I have seen that specific one but know of the conflict I am thinking the only time a Battle Cruiser/surface ship ever took out a carrier?
  12. Hey Scott what's the colors and markings going to be? Nice work on the LG Sir.
  13. Nice john looking really good I take it it's the Hase Kit? pretty much the only game in town?
  14. That would all depend on how deep my foray into armor I venture to go Guy.
  15. looking Good Kriss should throw it into the Twin Engine GB?
  16. I had a landfill for that one ....................
  17. I am back on this build for a little bit of a go while/which parts have arrived for the Sharnhorst still have the bug for something else so here I am.I finished up the wheels and have started on the tracks now I see the comment 5 parts per track that almost 500 for each side I am getting more efficient though organization,preparation and good lighting along with a plan.The glue I am using for the nails is a mixture roughly 50/50 of Tamy Thick/thin I had to many nails coming out with the thin and tracks trying to weld this glues the head for the most part.I lay the 19 tracks in the guide and that 1/4" tamy tape gets applied down the center I can now pic up the track and drive the nails home while in hand.I then from the patch of green tape apply that CA that's activated by light and apply the teeth to the tracks every other track again holding in hand and the teeth with my fingers I leave a stub attached under good lighting.It is taking me about 30/40 minutes to finish a 19 track segment ATTM. Tracks are finished except for adding one more link out to 97 96 would pull any slack out of the top.I black gloss based and painted them MM Gun Metal looks a dark iron grey.
  18. ICM's are Nice kits to me on par with Tamyia at a lesser cost.I have done the Invader and the He-111 both on this forum won 2nd with the He-111 at a contest and the GB here.
  19. I like the modulation Peter has been a technique I have been using quite a bit of on camo A/C of late lends itself to a more natural faded effect.
  20. First A/C kit I have ordered in 6/8 months arrives next week SB had 20% off ICM "Along Came Sally" in 1/48 the 1b
  21. I bit the hook watched the first episode last night character development seems to work I like the acting more than the CGI which is good but it's not "12 O'Clock High"
  22. What's on My desk..............
  23. I wish I could be that brave Guy when doing the staining I fear the F'up.You know the scene I always wanted to do or be cool is "The Band of Brothers" Caraten scene the tank coming over the Hill before the Sherman's showed up it have to be 1/72 though.
  24. Me in but .......what to build......KI-45 was the first thought?
  25. I was wondering John why you were trying to join the PE railing so soon?It's like a plane work from inside out and the PE railing out along the hull is your LG's on a plane.
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