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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. I have built this one Brad and yes it goes together well good looking build.
  2. Rod I knew you did it to me AGAIN!? Am I looking at a real plane or a model!!! Sir you do some seriously fantastic/realistic work and the background really throws in that monkey wrench.
  3. Hubert I built the 1/48 Eduard kit some years back and was a really neat kit in 1/32 would think impressive some Nice lines and has that transition phase look from bi/mono with the fuselage shape.
  4. That looks Nice just wonder the price.
  5. Glad you had that at the bottom of your builds there Mike Very Nice indeed!! I should get back to the Baltimore II .......one day
  6. It is Mike a model in itself I am about to embark on making blast bags a first any references you have used?
  7. Unfortunately all portholes have been drilled and will be continued.I am still not sure how/if I will weather this one this scheme was barely on her before a change occurred again.
  8. Guy sometimes it's required punishment for one to go through like a calling just behave like those Nuns who hand whip themselves across the back.
  9. I had one day out of my Holiday I could/felt like working in the shop.The three main turrets are just about complete really worked on the color to match the book and it does the flash lightens the color a few shades.The search light is for you Rob a finicky little piece to build I say about 15/20 pieces maybe from Veteran Models.I built up some of their 3.7cm guns what a PITA they were have some on order from Bunker Studios should be here next week the two you see are VM's. A turret has already gotten another coat of paint
  10. Fran I was thinking the A-20 also one for the moldings,the subject matter and then the scale,
  11. Another Nice build John
  12. Interesting A/C Kriss I vote the red one for the scheme.
  13. Well you tapped into that one correctly
  14. That is a flawless paint John I do not know if you were trying or not but looks ever so worn/faded like it's been at service best a couple of months to the S.Pacific sun.
  15. Meaning maintenance?In combat it retrieved to the belly.
  16. Guy the two I have are below "The anatomy of a ship" is a must for building .The other book showed me that Trumpter based the Sharnhorst model off the Gneisenau kit with minor changes if that the most glaring obstacle being lookout deck.I use "The Anatomy of a Ship" just about every step now really a great reference.
  17. It's definitely not a hobby anymore for me but a PIA working/repairs on cars.I think it was last Wednesday my ignition switch quit working on my 89 F-150 no biggee drop the column put it in 20 minutes of work right?Well I have had this truck since 2016 had 82K original miles then never knew I had tilt steering I be dam if the ignition lock actuator broke,now that 20m job turns into 2/3 hrs Now get this on Friday the P/S in my wife's SUV goes out I just paid $250 labor and parts back in September because it's a PIA to change on V-6 Escape.I got a new pump through work and about 10hrs later of labor I finally got it finished very high cuss factor.I had two vehicles go down down in like 48hrs days before Christmas and my weeks vacation coming up what a pisser.I figure I got 12/20hrs labor on the F-150 this week some basic BS plugs/oil but also rear brakes,door lock actuators and the ignition switch actuator that's buried inside the column.I like older vehicles and trucks when it comes to working on them anything beyond like 2000/up is a PIA well the hard one is done fix the F-150 I like that old truck just wish I had a 4sp Top-Loader.PIC ign.actuator.
  18. I will have to remember that not your brand but should work.
  19. So when in action the cannon flipped into the belly and the barrel fitted into the ring?am I missing the cover?
  20. Savage some bin the rest to the trash heap keeps those wondering thoughts of a return at bay.
  21. They all look great Peter but you know as much as we like to bash Revell sometimes once completed hard to tell the difference in the MK1/MKII
  22. Thanks Phil been working the turrets had to make the yellow remembered I liked the color on the WWI Fokker Tri-Plane I built looks good.I waqnt to finish all three turrets before I move on to a plane.Ships are long builds need some diversion once in a while.
  23. We had a really Nice/Quiet Christmas spent money on or nieces/nephews had dinner at a relatives house(TG was or house).The kids eyes lighting up was all I really needed the Wife/I opted out for each other this year after 40yrs together? our Son coming was all we really needed hopefully next month?Some cool stuff there guys and Ernie my wife would go crazy with that in the Spring time when those critters start digging in her flower beds.I see it now 430 f/s just enough to sting the crap out of them.
  24. Just Crazy Peter!!!Beautiful workmanship.
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