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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Thanks Peter it's the only way on this build .....now the base is under preparation it's called Paduka( https://www.wood-database.com/african-padauk/ ) I am using this for anything Kreigsmarine while I use Sapele for the IJN ( https://www.wood-database.com/sapele/ ).The brass stand are drawer knobs got to buy another set scared those trying to drill all the way through.I will need to also add the trim on top of the base for the border to the plexiglass cover so work now focuses on the base for the next couple of weeks and by gawd Kevin clean the shop!!
  2. Let me fix that for yeah Scotch Shot! Looking really Nice Martin and you make me sick with your homemade stencils.
  3. Andy I went down(started) this road some years back in the copit never finished it but this looks sweet!!
  4. Sasweeet Carl like Rob mentioned makes me look at mine a little more.
  5. Ernie you are doing a bang up job on this one but then again you seem to have the PTO weathering down pretty well of late.
  6. Quite pleasing to the eye Scott,
  7. Motoring right along Rob and really looking good!
  8. That is one of the prettiest and best markings I have seen on an F-14 Peter.
  9. Another late reply We went to FL this W/E Peter got family in Gainesville and my nephews team MS State came to play the Gators.State lost the series after leading 24/27 innings ......relief pitchers!!Nephew is the head Coach had lunch Saturday all of us he said something I did not forget and a new guy was on the ball field!It was alot of fun still and they took the series with GA last W/E #22 in the nation this week.The build has been going slow but steady today was a day of rain and more than usual got completed so some pics.I have on order Another set of flakerlings just to be sure the right ones are in the correct position they used different setups depending on the space available for the mount..The rear mast.....will lets just use John's words had a degree of cuss factor involved but now complete.I ordered two sets of square liferafts one from Bunker Studios and some source called Peddinghaus more like 1/350 1/2 the size of BS and 1/4 the size what came in the kit.I am going but the pics in the book and how the LF lie inside the the launch on the side and BS match the scale and number of LF.
  10. Holy crap surprised the tank doesn't tip forward!
  11. Looking really good Mike but damn kinda disappointed not seeing some 15 sets of seatbelts in the pic.........
  12. Revell or not she well be a beauty when completed Scott!
  13. Cool John and yes that scheme would catch my eye also.I will poke in and observe the progress just been busy elsewhere of late.
  14. Sorry for the late response Peter just seem to busy of late it's an Elephant little bites at a time.
  15. Small up date on the hanger all the molded on ladders scrapped and sanded and new ones installed.I am thinking of installing the hanger to the deck?? alittle more thought is needed.
  16. Did the same myself got a pretty good bunch of characters here but she is at times slower than some other forums.
  17. She came out sweet John nothing wrong with a Nice Mossie!
  18. Well Peter they could add it all and us modelers would go you left that off and add it You know Rob the funny thing about this build is I do not mind it so much.Now I have added the necessary handrails on one side of the hanger but damn probably just the eyes but it was just not happening last night.Thanks for looking in fellas and the likes sometimes I think people get bored with the pace but each part is a model in itself she definitely has my attention ATTM. And my Nephew's team wins biggley over LSU won 2/3 games taking the series against #2 LSU
  19. Thanks for the likes and looking in.The launches are basically finished need to give the one out front some more TLC.The bare launch in the middle I am thinking of rolling up a tarp towards the front of the cage since she came out the best might as well show it off.The launches were bare bones except the props life preservers and metal falls on me.
  20. Not a lot to report been let's say busy fixing cars,baseball MS my nephew's team is in town and just work.I have about 3 hours thus far in these launches and two more to go with the rails in the back to which covers will go in play on atleast one.The rails are my handy work.
  21. Cute......Baseball anyone baseball.mp4
  22. He's making it look easy peasy
  23. That's looking awful good there Carl!
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