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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Regardless of the pitfalls of the kit/instructions you seem to be having your way with Scott.
  2. While it was definitely to short of a visit we made the best of it.I took him out one day to go shooting we had like eight different rifles and all different calipers.The list goes VZ-24(8mmM),Vene Fn-49(7mm),GSG MP-40(9mm),STG-44(22lr),Ak-47(30),M1 carbine(30),AR15(556) and some new fangle modern rifle(son's) 556 also.We off loaded about 400/500 rounds in a couple hours at Joe's Place out in the country he's and old retired VN vet the son and him get along real well.I can say it was a hoot.The thing he enjoyed the most about coming home was being around water and the color green you see he's been in the desert @Hollerman AFB might of well say BFEgypt.He is now back with his old active 35FW 14Sq in Misawa Japan.I am left with selling his 2014 F-150 trying to get out from underneath that note and all he kept saying "all I want to eat is Southern Food" and we did he hurt the pocket book some but was glad to do it for him.That's been the absence of late...the GB?...maybe later Scharnhorst calls and never again will I build a tank with full interior!
  3. Yeah I look at ships more like many sub-assemblies coming together and at times it does become monotonousness build something quick lighten the fair.
  4. Ziggy not a plane I am familiar with but that came looking pretty cool!
  5. Ben that definitely looks the part and you did a very Nice job bring these old molds to life!
  6. Ralph that is too Cool and innovative with the torpedo your skills are improving!!
  7. That looks Nice Ralph but like Mike said some PE railing would go a long way getting rid of the clunky railing.I think EZ line would work better for the rigging also another added dimension stuff is cheap goes along ways.I am seeing improvements in your builds though I seemed to of hit a wall of late.Fear!!
  8. What's going on here Guy??did she slither to the bottom of the ocean?
  9. She came out pretty decent John you cut your teeth with some PE railing with some enhancements,I find rigging while minor on a destroyer as opposed to bigger ships adds another depth 3D like.The model itself the molds go way back in time for what's there it looks damn good!
  10. Shame John I am not a big builder of the FW-190 but the scheme looked like it had merit.
  11. Nothing like a flakerling!! Looking good Phil.
  12. "Patience of Job"
  13. This guy is back in the box maybe a dio one day the turret and all these assemblies coming together is just to much back to the Scharnhorst.I did receive the three Tigers from Andy's early,mid and late just the shell no interior
  14. I am on #5 ATTM Guy it's been good the writing and acting with development of the characters makes it worth wild for me.The CGI in the air is way better than that on the ground in my opinion the Son felt the same way.The Son said that Micropose is coming out with a new B-17 game enhancing the resolution to smooth contours this year.We use to play that game on windows 98 I think or the one after it was bad ass back then.I shot down an Me-262 with a P-51 coming up from underneath on there return trip back to base when it blew I had parts of the plane and fireball I had to fly through.....cool!!
  15. The build now moves to the aft structure of the ship funnel/hanger.I added some pluming(brass rod) to the front of the funnel and some holders(brass again) for the out-riggers coming off the side of the funnel attaching to the underside of the gun deck.The biggest pain thus far was molding that one continuous pieces of railing for the gun deck
  16. I screwed up the exhaust on mine Ernie the pics for placement as I remember suck all's looking really Nice!
  17. I hear ya on that Jeroen my Son is with us for 5 days an activity planned for tomorrow before he ships out to Japan w/35th FW .Your ability to bring forth such details with such expertise goes not unnoticed.
  18. That is small Kriss!!
  19. I will look at all three Guy and go from there.
  20. This is slow slow something I think I will not embark on again seeing once done all you will see is the skin.I take it it's like anything else clear with acrylic and then panel dust then flat?Any tips on how to make mud for the wheels/track me know nothing YT might be coming my way?Anyway some pics.
  21. If you can pull off the pouring water.
  22. Cool!!!!
  23. What's the scoop Peter?any movement of late ?
  24. What's with all these squirrels ..they everywhere and that one looks hideous
  25. Cool ..this should be Nice Mark with the lights being added.
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