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Everything posted by GusMac

  1. The 4x4 Fiat Panda was pretty good back then as well. Wheels at the extreme corners and basically bicycle tyres on it. There was one that ran around at the ski centre at Glenshee for years and never got stuck. It was so light you could have picked it up if it did!
  2. Don't know about cleaning turnbuckles Phil but I seem to be able to snap drill bits that small just by looking at them!
  3. Great result Phil. They do remind me of an old-fashioned water tank with all those rivets.
  4. Ohh nice. The Stratos was such a cool looking car. The World Rally ones from the 70s and early 80s looked amazing with the big bank of spotlights across the front.
  5. Having spent the last couple of days farting about with the fiddly panels on the chin intake of the Airfix 1/24 Typhoon and all the filling, sanding, etc I have a new entry - RESCRIBING. I hate it, I'm crap at it and just why???.... Surely there are better and easier ways to engineer a kit. I know it's so you can have the option to leave everything open and on display but it's a PITA if you don't want to go down that route.
  6. GusMac

    My twin

    Both lookin good!
  7. Hi Phil, I'm also a lifetime glasses wearer and I haven't found any problems with a Tamiya type magnifier. As I get older and the natural change to long-sightedness 'corrects' for my myopia and astigmatism I'm almost at a point where I can do close work quite well without my glasses which is a weird feeling after 45 years wearing glasses! You can get some cheap but reasonable magnifiers from China on eBay if you want to try a set first to see how you go.
  8. Hi Rob, Top Gear actually started in the 70s here in the UK but I think the BBC only started pushing it overseas a lot later once the presenting team evolved to the '3 stooges' line-up of Clarkson, May and Hammond. I love the fact the sides of the bodywork come as separate pieces like that, just emphasises the box-like structure!
  9. Nice Rob. Didn't realise they were still manufacturing Nivas. Haven't seen a Lada here in the UK for years. The early ones from the 80s were truly terrible and the butt of all sorts of jokes. However, they weren't the worst cars around - the other Soviet export, the Moskvich, took that dubious honour. I remember in a friend's one if you opened the air vent in the dashboard you just saw the road underneath!!
  10. Again, sorry to hear that Phil. That really is a low blow. When it rains it f*****g pours sometimes....
  11. That does look seriously impressive. I take it these (or at least the masters) must be 3D printed?
  12. Wow Carl can't believe those two sleeping there so peacefully. Our two Jack Russell's used to torment the poor bloody cat. One would eat it's food and the other would try and eat it! Cat eventually went blind so she lived upstairs and the dogs were kept downstairs. She lived to twenty so not a bad innings. Do miss her but won't be getting another cat until the dogs are gone.
  13. Looks amazing Tom. All that interior framing will really pop after a wash.
  14. Looks great Cees. The Vulcan cannon pods always look mean.
  15. Yeah, the Greeks don't like to waste water on things like washing the aircraft! Ha
  16. Great to see this back Rich. Glad everything survived the move fairly intact.
  17. Wow, that's even more impressive. I reckon I'd have lost a few fingers trying that!
  18. That Mk 103 round is a serious piece of ordnance! Certainly gonna spoil your day.
  19. Looks great. As Rockie says, the splintered prop looks brilliant. Did you use real wood or carve the plastic?
  20. Just some quick phone pics of my current project, Airfix 1/24 Typhoon. Fairly happy with how the cockpit has come out.
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