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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Prayers for Harv


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1 hour ago, harv said:

Wolf old buddy ! Thank you my friend. And no Ice picks ! I'm out and doing good. I'll fly back home Wednesday. Maybe motivated to get some bench time.....harv

Yeah the old geezer is back in town..........so glad to hear your on the mend Harv.........get back to the bench and leave the bourbon alone for awhile........-_-

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Just saw this... Thanks for keeping us posted, Ernie.

As for you, Harv - hopefully you'll find out (like I did) that it's totally survivable. I've got three stents; the first two (after a mild heart attack) were put in through the groin. The third one went in through the wrist. This was well over 10 yerars ago. Get well soon, my friend!

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