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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

RCAF Liberator GR Mk VI

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Looks like I'm doing fewer and fewer guns for this build. The waist gunners' windows are in place which makes sense since these planes would have been flying over the north Atlantic.


The kit includes the window inserts thankfully and they're a great fit. This also cuts down further on how much of the interior is visible. 

I also painted the bomb bay in neutral grey. 




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On 10/30/2021 at 7:03 PM, Bomber_County said:

Carl, love this build……never done a Lib in any scale……really drawn to this beauty….

Phil, same here. This is my first Lib ever. Talk about jumping into the deep end.


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On 10/30/2021 at 7:15 PM, Peterpools said:


Mighty nice progress on your B-24. Sure looks as if with the windows in and less MG's you will be 'flying' through this build.

Keep 'em comin


Peter, it's definitely making things easier interior wise. So little will be seen I can take liberties with details. 

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I got a bit of work on the interior done. I added some of the waist areas details. Nothing fancy, just OOB. The waist window hatches are in place too now. 


I then sprayed the O2 tanks in yellow. There's a lot of them. Then I realized that Hobbyboss gives you twice as many as you need.


These were glued together and then installed into the fuselage halves. They will be barely visible so I  didn't bother with the seams. 


I started on the pilots' seats. There's a fair number of parts for these.


Lastly, the MLG bays are assembled. 


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1 minute ago, Peterpools said:


Nothing like taking liberties in areas that will never be seen. Just a lot of wasted time adding details that will never be seen. Just never understood why manufacturers go that route

Keep 'em comin


Peter, that's what killed my B-25 builds for me. I went crazy reseaching what went where and then how to make it and then realized you can see any of it. This is my redemption build and how I'm going to approach the pair of HK Lancs in the stash. Otherwise, they'll never get done. 

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Thanks Peter!

I have no idea why they included twice as many tanks. I suspect it was a QC issue during the design of the kit. They put them on a sprue that has the bombs and other stuff that you do need duplicates of and no one noticed in their design dept I guess. 

They did leave one out of the instructions that you do need though so someone tried to compensate.

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I wish you all the best with your back. I had painful lower back problems for years, when living in Berlin. Now I'm ok, with lots of training. Swimming and surfing also helped a lot.
Eager to see, how the Liberator develops, so watch your back Carl :D.

Cheers Rob

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Thanks Rob! It's my lower back too. I saw a chiropractor and I'm much better but still not 100%. I need to work on my core muscles so will start that once I'm a bit more healed up. 

I'm really enjoying the Lib and the more relaxed approach to building it. I'll still do some crazy detailed thing at some point but I think this is the way to go for some of my builds.

Like the other 4 engine heavies in the stash....

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Working on the core muscles is essential for a pain free durable back, but don't forget to train the stomach muscles too, as they have to be in a kind of balance. It's way easier to train the back muscles with fun sports after the initial dedicated workouts, but it needs more discipline to train the stomach properly, as there are not many sports using this part of the body extensive.

Cheers Rob

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So glad you're feeling better. I had terrible lower back pains for more years then I can remember and feel your pain. I've been very fortunate that the past nearly twenty years now except for short episodes, I no longer have to deal with lower back pain. Sure must feel good to be able to sit at the bench and not have to deal with back pain.

Keep 'em comin


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Thanks guys for the good wishes. I'm mostly healed up back-wise but had a scare with the heart and spent last night in the ER. I was getting chest pains so everyone felt best I go get it checked out. The docs couldn't find anything so I got sent home after a couple blood tests, x-rays and a CT scan. I'm to follow up with the cardiologist though just to be sure. 

Anyways, I've managed to get a bit more done. The bomb halves are together and I got the yellow touched up. I need to mask the stripe off and then hit them with some OD. 


Meantime, I noticed that although the belly turret had been removed, I imagine they used the raising and lowering mechanism for the radar dome so I decided to put that together. 


I figured that the ammo cans would be superfluous so hacked those off. 


Most likely you won't see much of this. 

I also started painting some of the interior details. 


Finally, I've started assembling the interior bulkheads.



Hopefully I can get back to chugging along. 


Edited by BlrwestSiR
Fix typo
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9 minutes ago, harv said:

Good grief Carl, you trying to out do me ??? But your build is coming along nicely....harv :popcorn:

Honest Harv, I'm not trying to make it a race. :lol:

Honestly the biggest scare was our dog when she collapsed last week and couldn't get up. We thought we'd have to put her down but she's mostly back to her old self now. Except her head is now permanently cocked to one side to counteract her imbalance.

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What a relief you're OK and the test showed no abnormalities. Please follow the ER doctors advice and see a cardiologist, it's so very important.

Some nice progress on the B-24 interior and the bomb load. Loads of internal real estate to paint build.

Keep 'em comin


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