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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Uhh Ohhh….weather is changing.


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“Cold front” coming through tonight with drier air.  Looks like I can’t use the “Too damned hot and humid” excuse for a while to sit at the bench.   Just this afternoon the wife was going over her want list of projects. Hot tub drink tables, shelves for pictures on the wall, laundry room table, steps/deck for hot tub, lower the kitchen countertop riser over the sink (Yea, moron builder put it at eye level for short wives so they can’t see out the back door into the lake view while making my sandwich), trim the over growth along the shoreline blocking the view, pressure wash everything…..I guess retirement comes with a gotcha clause  

Cant wait for winter to get here!  Or rainy days. 😆

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Yes Martin, we call this swamp ass season down here.  I literally sat in my truck with no AC and drove 5 miles to the garbage drop off and back.  Well, unloaded 4 bags of trash while there.  Got home and had to change my shirt. Soaked. 

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12 hours ago, ScottsGT said:

Yes Martin, we call this swamp ass season down here.  I literally sat in my truck with no AC and drove 5 miles to the garbage drop off and back.  Well, unloaded 4 bags of trash while there.  Got home and had to change my shirt. Soaked. 

But remember Scott, you’re retired ………..

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Man, we don’t speak those funny C numbers down here!  LOL!   Around here it’s the humidity that chokes you up.  But we’ve had a strange summer this year.  May was nice, June was extremely warmer than usual with a few days just over 100 degrees  (F) but kind lower than usual on the humidity but still high enough to open the door to the screen porch in the morning and say “Nope”.  We had a very dry June with almost no rain.  Just a pop up storm here and there.  Water bill doubled keeping the grass alive.  My old place we moved from I was getting peak summer water bills above $300 a month on city water.  Here I’m in a completely different county and my highest bill was $85.   I’m about to dump big bucks in the old well to use for watering.  Not to save money, but to have un-chlorinated water to keep the grass alive. 

July seemed to rain every other day, high humidity as usual that created the daily pop up storms. It was tough getting out to mow the lawn.  August seemed to start out normal with high temps in the mid 90’s and stifling humidity.  I was looking at the lawn all last week needing mowing and kept telling myself…Saturday will be cooler and drier, wait….It was. 

it is nice though to just walk down the sidewalk and get in the lake to cool off.



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On 8/12/2022 at 5:09 PM, ScottsGT said:

Got home and had to change my shirt. Soaked. 

I hear that. I have to do that 3 or 4 times a day on the weekends. I sweat through everything I own, whether I'm working at home, or fighting a wildfire. Did the latter Saturday afternoon, and had to take a shower when I got back. My wife won't even let me bring those clothes in the house. I have to strip on the back patio and let them dry in the 100 deg (F) sun for a few hours before I can wash them!! And a structure fire is something completely different. I have to disassemble my bunkers, wash them, wash all my clothes, AND shower. And I still sweat for another hour!

Makes going to my nice air conditioned desk job on Monday morning slightly more tolerable.

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On 8/14/2022 at 2:38 PM, Bomber_County said:

Here in the UK it hit 40.3 in my county,  average for the last month has been 30-35…….yes unusual for UK but becoming more prevalent……

Yep, that's quite hot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Scott I am really disapponted after all these years of marriage you didn't learn to Work Slooow !!Once you finish one list she has another waiting and another it never ends me I could give a rats A about brownie points at this stage of the game.Give me the shop and some peace and quiet.:brickwall:

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  • 1 month later...

Her latest is wanting me to cut down the kitchen countertop “bar” area.  It is stupid high. But we’ll have a tile matching issue on the backsplash and I’ve got a bad feeling this will lead to a new backsplash which will require Sheetrock replacement and of course if we’re going that far, might as well do countertops and paint the cabinets too.  BTW, all new appliances are on order too.  

Told her nothing but appliances before the holidays.  

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