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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

My life....


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On 3/2/2023 at 8:39 PM, RockieYarwood said:

Hang in there Harv! I didn't come out so well with my divorce, but anymore about all I miss is Rusty. Still living in a no-pets apartment, but someday I'll have another canine companion! 🙂




Beautiful pup. It must be hard , not to be followed into the washroom etc . 

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Its never a good thing when you have to go your separate ways but life goes on . . .

After being together with my ex for nearly 30 yrs, its take time to adjust but adjust you will . . .

Good luck with the move, I hope you soon settle down and start the modelling process once again  . . .


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Sorry, completely missed this.  Seems like you are hanging in pretty well - new house, car, carpet!  Your own place.  I was married 28 years before it came to an abrupt end.  Life moves on and glad to see you are keeping up with the rest of us crazy lot.  Don't get isolated.

And no more arguments about leaving the toilet seat up or down, or which side the TP unrolls from.  Bonus!!  


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I definitely feel for you.  The lady I was with for two years decided to call it quits late last year, with no explanation other than 'it's not you, it's me'.  We still haven't fully sorted everything out.  Life is like that.  Try to focus on the good stuff, and what makes you happy.  Sometimes it is all we can do. :piliot:

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Sadly I hear these stories a lot. We all do in my group. I'm sorry man, that's women for you. The more I hear of these kinds of things, the more it confirms that life long batchelorhood is the only way to go.

Go your own way my friend.

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Hey Buddy. Glad you’re getting settled in.

FYI, Harv had told me a long time ago, but at his request, kept it quiet until he was ready to break the news. 
I love both Harv and Bev, and I know they both care deeply for one another.

Im glad you were able to acquire a new house and car, my friend. I’m thinking a 55-56 Ford hardtop or a 1955-1957 Thunderbird would look mighty good on you. 

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