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We have paint on the upper surfaces! MRP Swedish Army Mid Green all over and now we start the masking fun....



I'll leave this overnight just in case and start laying out the masks tomorrow.

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Thanks Peter. Made a start on the masking tonight but it's going to take longer than I thought. Getting the first ones down is hard to get the placement as close as possible to what's on the instructions but should get easier with each subsequent colour. Slow and steady does it!

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First round of masking completed, all the mid green sections are covered.



Some alterations have been made as, for the life of me, I couldn't see how some of the fuselage sections were meant to match up with the wing pieces. More Tamiya tape! Solution to every problem. 😁

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And now the Tan is on. Pretty quick as it's by far the smallest area of all the colours. Hopefully get it masked up later.

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Got the Tan masked, so it's on to painting the Dark Green next. Got a family wedding next couple of days but hopefully I might get at it on Sunday.

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Quiet day in the house today as everyone recovers from yesterday's wedding and the weather was lousy, so I got plenty of time and peace to get stuck into this.


First, the Dark Green on the remaining airframe. Then, on with the next, and thankfully final, layer of masks. Never felt so much like I was wallpapering a model!


Fit was problematic in areas over the spine, so a bit of improvisation was employed. I think the reality is that no two airframes had exactly the same cammo pattern, so I'm claiming artistic licence!

Then finally on with the black.



Have definitely enjoyed using the MRP for this as I'm sure it would have been harder getting everything thinned to the correct proportions with other varieties. The clean up of the airbrush is also very simple which is an additional bonus.

This is now sitting for everything to to fully cure and I'll start the unveiling tomorrow night. There are bound to be some touch-ups required but hopefully not too many.

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Looking forward to the tape coming off ! This is a cool subject. Too bad there's not a styrene example in this scale......You know, for mere mortals,

like the rest of us!

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Some mighty brilliant paint work and intricate masking. Right with Kev and Paul - waiting for the mast of the masks to come off and reveal a beauty which has been in hiding for many work sessions. :construction: 

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Seriously, here are the results




There are a few areas that have a little paint lift and seepage under the masks, so some touch-ups required but less than I'd feared. Also managed to knock one of the canard flaps off but that will actually make one of the touch-ups simpler, so always a silver lining as they say.

One question for those with more experience of MRP - is it possible to brush paint with it? Given the consistency I suspect not but I just thought I'd ask as a couple of the repairs could be done with a small brush rather than having to airbrush whole sections again and the prospect of more masking!

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Absolutely stunning Gus, I tried to touch up the Mosquito after stencils etc with a brush……hmmmmmm, I reverted back to temporary masking and blowing a coat for the touch up…….

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15 hours ago, GusMac said:

Seriously, here are the results




There are a few areas that have a little paint lift and seepage under the masks, so some touch-ups required but less than I'd feared. Also managed to knock one of the canard flaps off but that will actually make one of the touch-ups simpler, so always a silver lining as they say.

One question for those with more experience of MRP - is it possible to brush paint with it? Given the consistency I suspect not but I just thought I'd ask as a couple of the repairs could be done with a small brush rather than having to airbrush whole sections again and the prospect of more masking!

Gus, WOW ... incredible cammo and all your hard work has paid off.

I've been shooting MRP since it was first introduced and it's my paint of choice for air brushing. But when it comes to brush painting, it's not very effective. I've brush painted it a few times in very small areas and for some touch ups, but just way too many gently layers are needed, and the paint needs to dry between each layer. 

MRP does make a range of acrylic paints that match the lacquer brothers very well in color and I use them for brush painting and touchup work. 


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Thanks all. 

After a bit of reflection I think I'll try and just mask and airbrush the touch-ups as it's probably most likely to give a consistent result and I'll have to mask the tail, nose and gear bays anyway. Might as well keep Tamiya's profits up with lots more tape! 😄

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Rob, I'm going to do the version with the cartoon of Hagar the Horrible on the tail, so it's going to be painted bright purple. 

I always loved the cartoon books of Hagar as a kid so thought I'd do it as a memorial.

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