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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

2000 members!!!!!


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Hi fellow LSM-bers!


I can remember, not so long ago, stepping into this venture called LSM. It was Jim Hatch that invited me and asked me to help out and I have enjoyed doing so every single day. There have been ups and downs. Highs and lows. Working alongside HK Models. Getting our logo on the Mossie packaging must have been a high... As is Welcoming our 2000th member!


I am proud to say that we have built a name for ourselves, producing the highest caliber reviews around. I am proud of Fran and our team-up with Wingnut Wings Fans. Because lets be honest... they belong with us! Proud of all the modelers that simply build, share and contribute. 


So thank you to all! Keep joining, posting, enjoy and last but not least.... Build Large Scale!!





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Very nice, however sadly the active membership is far far less, just based off some quick Search-Fu I did regarding why the Group builds have such poor attendance.



"these forums have a little over 2000 members with many of those either being lurkers or bots 1380 Members that have made zero contributions/posts to the forums, we have 1660 members that have made 5 or less posts in total, which means that you have about 300 odd members that are active on the forums, not all of them actually build."


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Very nice, however sadly the active membership is far far less, just based off some quick Search-Fu I did regarding why the Group builds have such poor attendance.



True. But this is the same on forums like Large Scale Planes. 

Since LSM is much younger, i reckon the percentage of active members is relatively higher.

In the end it's the spirit, atmosphere and content that matters.



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Many forum memberships vs participation is at odds.


I've been told that active members vs statistics can be as little as 12%, but typically between 15% and 20%. I don't think we're doing too bad, plus it's the community that matters, not statistics. We don't go chasing them, and are happy with progression. 

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Thank you Mods...


Cheers guys! We do our best!

It certainly is appreciated.


The measure of an online Forum is not just the contributions of the Members, but also the tone and content set by the Moderators. This is what makes LSM a standout IMO, despite the small Membership.


Thanks Guys,


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Thanks JP for your kind words!

In fact WNW fans only make sense in LSM!!!

Still remember when Jim invited me and WNW fans to join and be a part of LSM! As been awesome since then! Thanks to all members and all staff members.

A really special Thanks to JIM! :) hihihihihii

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