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It took over 100 hours to complete this build, but the effort was worth it. Most of the hours were spent applying foil to the model. I really like the way the panel lines and rivets look with a foiled finish. 













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Thanks for the nice comments. It just takes a lot of patience and time to foil an airplane. 


A little of this makes the foiling job much easier. ;)


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Can't see the foil on top of your bottle, you should try another whisky, with your's you get only headaches and corks :D.

Great job with the foil, gives your Liberator a great touch.

Cheers Rob



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  • 2 weeks later...

Photos of an airplane finished in foil do not represent how the model actually looks. It is really difficult to photograph a model finished in foil. The aluminum finish, shine and grain of foil just don't come across in a photo. 

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The B-24J is a Monogram kit dating from 1995. Those old Monogram and Revell kits were nice kits. Not 100% accurate, but still nice kits with decent interior detail. I think that if you want to build a 1/48 scale B-24 or B-29 will be stuck with with a Monogram or Revell. The rivet detail is meager and the panel joints are raised, but I still like them. Fun kits to build and impressive in size.

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Holy She-it!!  That's friggin amazing!  I like to foil too, and I have to say that yours is a superior job.





18 hours ago, GazzaS said:

Holy She-it!!  That's friggin amazing!  I like to foil too, and I have to say that yours is a superior job.







What brand of foil do you use? I have always used Bare Metal Foil, but recently they have had a problem with orange peel.


Hi Johnny,

    I've always used the cheapest, thinnest kitchen foil available with this glue:



Ooh, sorry for the large image.

Instead of whatever BMF is costing you, this glue plus enough foil for your model should cost about 6 bucks.

The one sheet of BMF I ever used orange peeled, too.




Do you put the adhesive on the foil or the airplane? Do you use a brush? I've read that some modelers use their finger to apply the adhesive. Do you apply the adhesive to each piece of foil individually, or do you put the adhesive on a large sheet of foil and cut into smaller pieces?





HI Johnny,

    I use a dedicated 1/2 wide, soft natural brush to apply the glue to the back of the foil.   The brush will never be totally clean, though you'll want to clean it with water or rubbing alcohol at times.   While working with the foil, I leave the bristles in a cup of water between applications.

I work with pieces of foil that are about 5"X8", then cut them into smaller pieces.  Skin oil on the glue-side of the foil negates the effect of the glue.  Too much glue will show through on the model.   Too little will not stick.   I just keep stroking with the brush until signs of water tension stops.

I got my start with this link which I may or may not have linked for you before:





Beautiful finish Johnny...sorry to be the fly in the ointment though...those tyres look a wee bit deflated to me. As a former Pilot/First Officer on the 737-200 aircraft, if I found a tyre looking that on pre flight checks I would be on the blower to the ground Engineering staff promptly. 

Please don't take that as criticism though - I love your model (I built one of those years ago and looking at your project took me back many, many years...). Thanks for the trip down memory lane...

13 hours ago, Dennis.E said:

Beautiful finish Johnny...sorry to be the fly in the ointment though...those tyres look a wee bit deflated to me. As a former Pilot/First Officer on the 737-200 aircraft, if I found a tyre looking that on pre flight checks I would be on the blower to the ground Engineering staff promptly. 

Please don't take that as criticism though - I love your model (I built one of those years ago and looking at your project took me back many, many years...). Thanks for the trip down memory lane...

The plane has a full bomb load, full fuel load and the crew is very overweight :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

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