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Hi there Gus,

                       ...If it were me, I would first double check that green tone Gus...it looks a wee bit 'grassy' green as opposed to a more 'drab' tone in the photograph (allowing for atmospheric lighting conditions). I would apply a good wash across the entire air-frame (something like a Flory wash or  your own concoction), allow that to dry then spray the aircraft with a Satin varnish or similar (from what I can see in the photograph the Greek Air force have applied a wax to the air-frames to mitigate drag and maintain aerodynamic efficiency). A straight gloss finish may well be a little too shiny.

Wet sand the Satin varnish LIGHTLY and dry with a towel to see where you are. Paneling can be masked off as you wish, just be careful when following photographic reference..light can play tricks on you (something the movie Industry plays upon when painting filming miniatures).

Layering and observation is key here I think Gus - try one layer of technique, see what makes you happy, then decide upon your next move.


That's my two pence worth anyway - the best of luck my friend!  Dennis

  • Like 6

Thanks for the input guys. 

I get what you're saying about the green Dennis. It doesn't look quite so 'vivid' in natural light and I'm hoping to use some oil dot fading to tone it down a bit.

Still pondering my next move for the over-painting, SO I've bottled it and moved on to building up the MERs and Mk82s to delay the decision!

  • Like 5

Hi Gus, I like your green considering the 'warm light' photo situation, with the red background, I think it will look spot on in natural light, specially with a little 'dulling' however you will achieve that.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 4
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Gus,

  I like the results of your build.  I just finished the same A-7 in ATKRON 46 VA-46 markings circa 1975.  I did it for a friend who flew it back then.  He had tears in his eyes when I presented it to him.  Some time later this year, I'm going to build the HAF "Olympus" in 1/32.  I have a real nice set of decals.  Can't wait.

  • Like 5


Thanks Dan. The Olympus scheme sounds great. Where did you get the decals for that one?

  • Like 2

Hello Gus,

  I purchased them from a guy who maintains a HAL website.  I asked him if he new where I could possible get a set of 1/32 decals for the A-7 Olympus.  He told me that he could make them for me.  They are expensive (50 Euros) but I figured if I wanted them bad enough it would be worth the price.  I actually purchased two of them.  They ARE worth the $!  He not only included the (4 or 5 full sheets) decal sheets but also includes templates for painting the undercoat (silver & white) for the fuselage, wings and tail.  He also helped me with the A-7 VA-46 with the codex numbers and tail letters.  I now call him friend!  If your interested I can email you a copy of what the decals look like or post a picture here.



  • Like 3

Thanks for the info Dan, I'll bear that in mind.

My next planned build is some armour just to mix things up but I do love a SLUF so I may build another in the future.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Right, haven't updated this in a while as I pondered how to approach things.

Firstly, I procrastinated a bit by moving on and doing the appendages. Eduard MERs and Videoaviation Mk82s all of which have had some oils applied and are just awaiting weathering.


The external tanks are done to match a pic I've seen of the particular plane I'm doing where it's carrying one older faded tank and a brand new one in a different camo pattern.


Oil fading used to dirty up the areas which seem to get grubbiest. Radar cover chipped to look like the worn fibreglass. Arrestor hook and camera glass painted - need a bit more work yet!



Decals on and oil dot fading done then another gloss coat. Very few stencils used as one advantage of these worn birds is that virtually everything has been painted over or obliterated by the wear and tear.

The oil dot fading looked better before the gloss coat which seems to have removed some of the effect. I'm hoping it will reappear after the dull coat or otherwise I'll have to do some more.

Inspiration has been sporadic on this as I couldn't get the fading 'right' to my eye but I'm hoping now the panel line washes, etc will go a bit quicker. When motivation was low on this I did start something totally different just to get the smell of glue in my nostrils again. I'll show it in it's own WIP.

As usual, all comments, suggestions, etc welcome.

  • Like 3

Good to see you progressing with the Corsair. I always like workaround and yours to avoid stenciling is great, just make it Greek :D. I like the heavy weathering and specially the idea of the different looking tanks.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 2

Thanks guys. You're on the money Rob - the Greeks really don't seem to mind how tatty some of these things get. I've seen pictures of derelicts which look in better condition than some of these A7s towards the end of their careers.

Just making a start on the panel line washes at the moment. 

  • Like 2
  • 2 months later...


Okay, I'm calling this done. Apologies for the lack of updates but bench time has been sporadic and my photographic skills depress me so I just pressed on with the weathering, etc.

I'll post more photos over in the finished builds section.

Cheers, Gus

  • Like 4

Looks Greek to me Gus, as close to the scrapyard as can possibly be :D. In other words your Corsair looks great. I love the uneven and heavy weathered finish. The tonal variation in the camo is very rich and the whole appearance is supporting the tool like look of the Corsair, chapeau.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 3

Thanks Cees. Might give the ouzo a miss, worst hangover I ever had was after a night out at a Greek restaurant. Guinness, retsina and ouzo wasn't a good mix! :wacko: 

  • Like 3
  • 4 weeks later...

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