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Thanks Rob. Once it's got some primer on I'll have a better idea of how good my fixes have been. There may be more sanding ahead...

  • Like 4

Thanks Peter. I had a good bit of time off over the festive season for the first time in a few years and my wife was working so....

As long as the dogs got a good walk I was otherwise free. :D

  • Like 3
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Dennis, the plan is for a well worn Greek scheme but exactly which airframe isn't decided yet. I think I'm going to get the base colours on first and then go from there.


  • Like 2

Okay, quick update on progress.

Primed with Mr Surfacer 1500 and marble coat with a variety of colours. Hoping that this will give a good start to the weathered effects with a thin layer of the grey over it.




Last picture highlights a few issues I had with over-thinning and too high a pressure but hopefully will be fine after the top coat.

  • Like 9

Hi Gus, that blotted underlayer looks like it will lead to an interesting surface with a thin layer of grey.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 4
  • 2 weeks later...

Evenin' all, some more progress.

Got the top coat on the underside. 3 coats of highly thinned Ammo FS36622 Gray.




I'm pretty happy with how the mottling in the myriad colours shows through. My gut was saying 'go another thin coat' but I stuck with my head which said 'stop now, once everything else is painted the contrast will settle out'. Glad I did as I think another coat may have lost too much of the mottling. 

Next job is masking this off and moving on to the upper colours. Will revisit this as I want to try and simulate some worn fibreglass effects on the rear gondola between the rear gear bays like I've seen in photos. However, I just want to get the bulk colours on first.

As ever, comments and critiques welcome.


  • Like 8

Nice grimy result Gus. The multi colored background pays off greatly. With the contrast of markings, wheels, etc. this will look great.

Cheers Rob 

  • Like 4

Nice build Gus, great to see a Hellenic bird on the bench. For me they always share the same amount of interest as the russian planes in the wild opportunities you have for weathering.

Also, you have reminded me.. I have the Zacto full length intake, nose correction and canopy correction set somewhere??

  • Like 4

Holy cow!  I really like how that came out!  I'm gonna have to try it on my next aircraft model....


Great job!



  • Like 4

Thanks guys.

Nige, keep hold of the Zacto stuff, it's like rocking horse poop now and the nose and canopy corrections are going for crazy money. I just couldn't convince myself it was worth it for a build where everyone likely to see it in the display case (other than me) wouldn't know a Corsair from a Vauxhall Corsa!

  • Like 3
  • 4 weeks later...

Bit more of my intermittent progress.

Underside all masked off and the tan areas painted and also masked. Forgot to take pictures at that stage but got a bit carried away with the progress.

So current stage is base coat of the middle green on and thin layers of various faded and deepened versions will now be added over this.





The preshading layers of marbling look a bit too stark on the upper wings but will hopefully fade in with the additional layers over this.

  • Like 7

Nice grimy bird. looks like it had been ages under a cruel sun. The marbling is looking spot on. If the effect is to harsh you can always mist a little over,

Cheers Rob

  • Like 4
  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, bit more progress. Base painting is basically done.






Used various lightened shades of the Ammo medium green and tan in very thin layers. 

Used a mix of a couple of different sizes of the Maketar generic RAF roundels set to do the roundels and Tamiya tape to do the tail. Tried to get some modulation in the mix of French Blue I used for these but it's so subtle it's invisible!

Next step is to do the over-painting / repairs on the panel lines, etc which is so prevalent on these Greek birds. Problem is I'm not sure of the best approach, so I'm looking for some advice / thoughts here.

Option 1 is gloss coat the whole thing and use liquid mask to cover the panels and spray the areas needing coverage. I've seen this approach used for putty lines on whole airframes but I'm not sure if it's overkill for this which will be more localised.

Option 2 is just to brush paint the required areas using highly thinned paint.

Any advice guys?


  • Like 6

I would coat it with a very thick layer of flat coat to the point of whitening and wet sand the hell out of it and then brush-paint the glossy parts. And pastels for the bottom.


  • Like 4

Your paintjob looks great Gus, the colours look convincing. You should render your Corsair into Martins Pic. For getting the different looks onto the panels you  could try (scrap sheet first) to carefully work some matte areas in with a fiber pen. That would dull the paint a lot in these areas.

Cheers Rob 

  • Like 4
Guest DannyVM

Love your way to tackle the color scheme on this Greek bird mate. Great work, i learn allot of your build.

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