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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Thinking of a new build, but different.


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I like big models. I like cool bombers and transports. But I like different.

So, now I jump into my D-Day build of the WHITE 6x6, then finish the Lanc,  and then???

Finish the USN Guppy of course, but after that, the glue sniffing starts.  I love challenging builds. Builds that make be reach and leap for the handhold, not just step onboard and ride.

Challenging + short run + resin = my kind of build. So, strategic bomber maybe?  B-52? Nahh, too common.  B-47? Nahh, I’m waiting for HPH, how about.....

It’s a LARGE scale model, instead of a LARGE SCALE model, so it doesn’t belong in the big boy pages, but I don’t recall ever seeing one of these built before. Ever.




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15 minutes ago, smitty44 said:

B-36!!!!! Goodness you say no 1/32 jets because they take up too much room?

B-36 in good time, my friend. This one is too cool for school.  It cries out Cold War! 

Not the most successful strategic bomber ever built, but still incredibly 1950s “Buck Rogers” looking.

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I know, Smitty, but I’m going to work on my foiling techniques a bit. B-36 will be a bench hog. I need the Lanc done, tuck done, Helldiver finished, and September Fury as well.

This will be much smaller and much more odd.   But B-36 for San Marcos sounds cool, I think Omaha is a much more reasonable goal.

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32 minutes ago, 1to1scale said:

Wow! Dats a big b***h!

You got that right. I’ve always loved the Cold War bombers, especially the very early jets such as the B-47 and this one, The Bison C.   Bother we’re extrelely capable but hampered by underdeveloped technology and neither, although close, never quite lived up to expectations. 

The B-52 and Tu-95 got it right with the next attempt. 

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2 hours ago, 1to1scale said:

Im rusty on early Soviet bombers, i know its not a TU-16, is it a Bison?

Myashcheiev M-4 was very progressive design heavily influenced by "German " research data. It's role had changed throughout it's long career so as the requirements of the Soviet military doctrine at the time of the Cold War, so it wasn't complete flop.


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