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Everything posted by Mikester

  1. Post of the year!
  2. The Corsair King strikes again! Beautiful work as always, John.
  3. Drug this beast out to get some paint on it now that the garage isn't unbearably hot any more. Mr. Color 04, 65,70 and 71. Still have some post shading to do and paint the markings but feels good to to see it with some paint on it!
  4. It was given to one of the guys in our club to do a build up review, he might be bring to the meeting next week. I'll try to take some pics if he does.
  5. Very subtle rivet detail, construction simplified from the 1/32 version. Dry fit appears to be just about perfect. One of the guys in our group noted that they didn't get the shape of the superchargers quite right but that was about the only flaw we could find. The version we had will only do an early G model. I think a late F model will follow,
  6. I kind of credit Hasegawa's 1/32 Bf 109G-6 with really kindling the interest in 1/32 but HB/Trumpeter have done some interesting stuff that are reasonably good kits. P-61 Il-2 Ju 87A B-24 Mig 3 Who else is going to do those? They really have helped advance the 1/32 cause (and 1/24 for that matter).
  7. Some people have an axe to grind with Trumpeter/Hobby Boss. Yes, they do commit some blunders and some head scratchers but I still prefer to judge each kit on it's own merits, or lack thereof. They've brought us a lot of interesting subjects in 1/32 that no one else has ever touched. Buy it or don't but please leave out all the hysterics and rhetoric.
  8. Had my hands on this model yesterday, beautiful kit. They'll sell a butt-load.
  9. Marian, first of all you come to a scale plastic modeling website asking for guidance on a full size scale replica F-14 and then insult us when we express some skepticism about the viability of said project. There is literally a ton of information on the F-14 out there on the internet, please feel free to get off your lazy ass and do your own research rather than expecting us to do it for you. Piss off.
  10. This topic is not really scale modeling related in the traditional sense so I'm locking it down. Good luck with your project.
  11. If you'd told me we'd have a mass produced B-17 and B-24 in 1/32 ten years ago I'd assume you'd been into grandpa's old cough medicine. What I'd love to see are some of the German floatplanes, the He 115 in particular.
  12. Coming along nicely, Steve!
  13. I'm in the same boat, Rob. Garage is just way too hot in the summer to do anything, last weekend at the bench was my first window in a while. The RSO is looking great!
  14. Sprue Brothers has Hataka Hobby RAL 6013, supposed to be good paint. http://store.spruebrothers.com/category_s/2720.htm?searching=Y&sort=7&cat=2720&show=60&page=1&search= ral 6013
  15. Really impressive work, haven't checked in on this build in a while but just fantastic!
  16. Beautiful! Great tribute to your grandfather.
  17. Gorgeous...and welcome to LSM!
  18. I struggle with the Pacific Coast 1/32 190. And the fit really isn't horrible, just kind of a wonky design makes it harder to get together than it should be, especially the lower cowl.
  19. Great work, guys! Congrats!
  20. When weeding through the new member approvals., some spammers are obvious, some are not. This POS slipped through the cracks, thanks for the diligence to keep these a-holes in check!
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