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Everything posted by Mikester

  1. Excellent! Are those aftermarket tracks?
  2. Phil, looks like you got the full PE set, mine was just the Zimmerit.
  3. Didn't feel like sequestering myself in the garage today so I figured it would be a good time to start on this one. Set up shop on the kitchen table since assembly is usually not too messy. Made same good progress although can't help but thinking if I'd had the same time allotted to a Tamiya kit I'd be ready for paint! This kit is more reminiscent of Dragon than Tamiya. Lots of small sub-assemblies to put together, it's obvious that they intend to get multiple variants out of this kit which can make things a little fiddly. My biggest gripe is the instructions don't give you any warning when something needs to be drilled out to mount another part. I already missed a couple that will cause some minor inconvenience down the road, If there's any part with recessed holes on the back side, you have to scan ahead in the instructions to see if anything needs to be mounted to it down the road. Kind of a pain in the arse! On the plus side the fit is really good and the detail is nice.
  4. Phil, I used a Dremel to cut back the edges of the plastic fenders and then covered them in lead foil shaped to the original size of the fenders. I should have used brass because the lead foil is really too soft for this application but it didn't turn out too bad.
  5. Welcome! Glad you decided to join in.
  6. The weathering has begun! Started off with a wash of W&N Burnt Umber artist oil, followed by dry-brushing. This is my first attempt at chipping with dark brown applied with a sponge. I was a little heavy handed and got more than I really wanted but all in all not horrible for my first effort. Also used some AKI mud and engine grime and rust streaks. Still need to apply some mud pigments and more details but it's getting there.
  7. Alright glue sniffers, we're live. Be fruitful and build shit!
  8. Very cool! I would have thought that these would have been used on the Eastern Front exclusively. The Wehrmacht seemed to have stuff scattered all over though!
  9. GB starts this Saturday, be there or be square!
  10. Gorgeous, looks like the real deal!
  11. Thanks, Martin! I wonder if the crews continued to wear the U-Boat leathers into the summer, I'm guessing not.
  12. Outstanding, Phil!
  13. Came across a great build video of the kit from Andy's Hobby HQ:
  14. OK, this one I'll be starting from the beginning on! This is the new tool Academy Pz. IVH, looks like a nice kit and most of the reviews of I've read have been favorable. I'll probably pick up a metal barrel for it and a couple of minor things but I don't think it will need a whole lot of add-ons. I'll be doing this vehicle, "Panzers in the Bocage" identifies it as a "J" model but other sources says an "H" so "H" it is for my purposes:
  15. Good choice, Phil. It's really a nice kit.
  16. I'm inclined to go with 02, 74, 75 but that darkest color almost looks like it could be 70. The joys of trying to interpret from B&W photos!
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