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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Off to the paint shop!! The paint shop crew decided that a freehand camouflage scheme would look more natural so that's what they went for!! I kinda like it!!! A few touch ups here and there once the mask was removed but all in all pretty pleased with the results! Gave the B-58 a bath in Flory Dark Dirt Wash blend and fade the paint a bit then sprayed a coat of Future. I'll do the decals this evening and then the final dull coat. This sucks!!! Thank God I save all my unused decals. Had almost all the correct fuselage insignias in my file!! I'll let the red sol dry and then dull coat the beast!!! All done. Follow this link to view the finished B-58!
  2. Thanks so much! I finally finished the B-58 build this weekend!!
  3. Look forward to following your build!!
  4. Wow great show! Thanks for posting the pictures!
  5. Breath taking build! Love the simple diorama!
  6. You are the best!! Another beautiful build!!
  7. Nicely done indeed! Love the winter camo!
  8. Really nicely done Dave. Really like your weathering effects!
  9. Hows the build coming along??
  10. Paint shop crew did some upper fuselage and wing preshading and applied Tamiya XF-1 flat black to the tail and under body fuselage. They said they'd start masking for the camouflage pattern this afternoon if they had time.
  11. That's a really good point concerning the armored skirts hiding the tracks!
  12. Very nice room Doug. The display case is wonderful!
  13. A bit of wash and pigments will make those rubber track look passable!! Any suggestings on AM tracks for a novice?
  14. Okay let's get started on the Challenger 1. Kinda hoped around on steps 2,3 and 4 assembling the bottom hull and suspension. Will of course as in other armor builds leave the road wheel until near the end. In hind sight I should have left off parts A23 which are part of the side skirt armor. They're a bit fragile and could be broken during the build. Completed step 6 and the assemble if the rear hull section. Didn't install the external fuel tanks as I need to do some seam work on them! Test fitted the top and bottom hull section and with a snap they fit perfect. Did I say I love Tamiya armor, lol!! Taking a break from the B-58 today and building a bit on the Challenger 1. Completed step 7 by installing the external fuel tanks and Jerry Can. Also plugged the holes in the lower hull and filled with Perfect Plastic Putty. Will sand once it dries. This way if anyone visits "The Basement Air Force" and happens to turn over on of my armor builds there won't be any holes, lol!!
  15. Tamiya 1/35 Challenger 1 (Mk.3) Building Thread! 1/35 Tamiya Challenger1 (Mk.3) Battle Tank (Desert Version) Kit Number 35154 Great Britain has a long and interesting history of armored vehicle use and development. In fact they coined the term "TANK" for such weapons, and are known as well, for their superb designs. Their latest version of the Challenger Main Battle Tank is regarded as on of the most advanced armored fighting vehicles in service in the world today. Modern technology has enabled several outstanding improvements in its firepower, crew protection, and mobility, to meet the demands of today's battle conditions. The Challenger demonstrated and proved its combat worth during the recent Gulf Conflict. In addition to painting the tank with an overall sand color, many modifications for desert operations were accomplished, including an improved cooling system; better air cleaners; a reinforced transmission; extra side skirts from Chobham armor for added protection, plus bolt-on Reactive armor applied to the frontal area; an additional 200 liters of fuel was carried in external tanks mounted on the rear of the tan, which greatly extended its range; extra external stowage bins; and the use of maintenance free batteries. Despite operations in the harsh desert environment, the Challengers maintained an outstanding "in service" and availability figure that exceeded 90%. This achievement, along with its accurate and heavy firepower, pointed to the Challenger as being one of the best main battle tanks used during the Conflict.
  16. Wow that looks so sharp!! Love your pigment work!!
  17. Well done!!! Bravo!!
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