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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Bahahaha.. Thought its not a great seller!
  2. Oh Yes! I been wanting one for ages! As said on the Facebook Post.. Just need Steve Warrilow to do some nice Paratroopers for it!
  3. Ok... I am quiting! Hahaha Fantastic stuff Ralph!
  4. Oh crap.. Just ordered two! You can still find these at descent prices on Ebay.. Just need to look around. The Domestic Japanese website for HLJ has this kit listed at 8467 yen plus shipping, so it works out to be US$68. I just got my two for US$70 each plus shipping.
  5. Nice Iceman! Where & How much did you pay for that one?
  6. I have been away for the last few weeks.. Just catching up on this! You are doing some great work here!
  7. Hahaha, Dad worked in insurance for 10 years.. He says the same thing too!
  8. There are a few nice 24th Kits out there.. Have a look at the Trumpeter Fw190 D9. I have seen great builds of that in the past.
  9. Looking fantastic Rick! One suggestion for your bench... You should look into using some curved skirting around the edge of your bench makes a huge difference! Here is my first bench that I built over 10 years ago...
  10. Nice Start Cees! Shame about the floor thou! Hopefully the insurance people will come to the party!
  11. Its almost as beautiful as you are Jeroen!
  12. Very nice! I have one sitting my pile that I should finish one of these days!
  13. I haven't used a Shop compressor, but in the way of Airbrushes, I would recommend any of the Tamiya AB's and I have read good things about the Grex AB's too!
  14. Well I was well behaved at Telford.... I should of spent lots more.... But I have to think of my luggage on the way back to NZ So I got a Fly Wessex, Takom Whippet and Aries Pit for the 262..
  15. That looks great!
  16. Depends what you are wanting to do Mikey... sometimes I drybrush, use the chipping fuild or a light sand with some 2000
  17. Awesome to see another one built! Looks fantastic!
  18. Oh am I glad that you testing the water prior to me on this!
  19. That engine looks Fantatic!
  20. I just got this kit the other day its actually quite nice looking! I really temped to start it soon. But I would like to see what Eduard pulls out there magic hat for it. In the regards to it being to short... I thought it had been confirmed its the correct length.
  21. Very Nice! I would love to have something like that!
  22. Hahaha! Awesome stuff! Those checkers are very bright against the RLM colours!
  23. This should be interesting! I have seen a few of these.. but never one built!
  24. Looking forward to seeing it in the Flesh!
  25. Looking forward to this.. I have one in my pile that I would like to get around to one of these days!
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