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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Absolutely amazing work!🤩
  2. Stunning diorama! All the detail work you did to the diorama base fully paid off! Great result! I love it!
  3. Great progress Mark! Love the way you do the camo-scheme without any AM-masks! Can‘t wait to see your next update!
  4. This looks simply stunning Gary! Great work!
  5. To avoid Rob drinking too much Martinis I continued today with the cockpit. I grinded and sanded away all the details of the side-panels and started with the application of the RedFox instruments where possible without painting the part before application. This is the actual status: All details on the sidepanels sanded away. The left console applied for trial. Not glued. All side controls applied for trial. Looks really good to me. Rear IP. All panels glued in place with superglue. Dials and screens enhanced with Future. Front IP. Same enhancement as on the rear IP. Next step is to paint all cockpit parts and apply the missing RedFox Panels. Thats it for today. Next update to come soon Rob.
  6. Copy Gary: Great looking replacements! Can‘t believe that the kit parts are that bad!
  7. Don’t have that much time in the moment for modeling but I hope to improve soon Rob. I don’t want to be responsible for too much Popcorn and Martinis 😉
  8. Great progress on the figures Gary! I didn’t know so far that you can get decals for rank insignia. The diorama base will be nice too. And thank you for the beautiful documentation.
  9. Thank you so much Peter, my friend! And sorry for the late reply! Have been busy throughout the week at work. In Germany we call it „Year-End-Rallye“…
  10. Hi friends! Thanks a lot for your replies. Much appreciated! I‘ve been very busy at work this week so no time for modeling. Was too tired on the evenings. But now with the weekend ahead I will make some progress hopefully.
  11. Like it too like Gary!
  12. Great work Carl, now you know where the word „Heavy Bomber“ comes from. 😉
  13. I will join too! Very interesting subject!
  14. Nice idea how to place the tanks on the diorama. To my gusto it‘s big enough! The figures will turn out awesome Gary. Can‘t wait to see you progress!
  15. Copy Gary: Great tutorial Peter!
  16. Hello friends, I was able to make a start yesterday. Started with the preparation of the cockpit for the RedFox set. Had to grind away all details on various panels. Time consuming job and not yet finished. Cockpit tub still to be done. Here are some progress pics: All blue areas have to be grinded. These are the components of the set And this is the status after 2 hours of work. Time consuming but necessary to be done carefully in order to avoid damage to each part. Update to follow soon.
  17. Thank you for your feedback Hubert, much appreciated!
  18. Great looking Spitfire John! Like it a lot! Well done!
  19. Awesome progress Gary! And thank you also for the explanations of your steps.
  20. Great update Peter! That looks absolutely flawless! Perfect job! Great eyecatching camo Peter! Curious how the BMF finish will turn out! Which colors will you use for it?
  21. This simply looks amazing Gary. Like it a lot!
  22. Great progress on the figures Gary. Curious to see the next step.
  23. Great looking camo John!
  24. Looking great Mark! Love the splinter camo!
  25. Copy Peter, Gary: Weathering looks spot on to me!
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