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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Wow Gary! Dein Stuhl sieht klasse aus! It looks so realistic! You should open up a production line for them. I need one too. Can I give you my address?
  2. Wow you have on the bench what I‘m longing for Mark. Grest start and I will follow your build closely. Please reserve a place in the first row for me. As soon as mine arrives everything will be removed from the bench and I‘ll start immediately. Already have the masks for the splinter-camo (DN-Models) and the colors (AK Real Colors).
  3. Sorry to hear that this kit is such a desaster Peter! You already put in so much work in the beautiful cockpit and then this. But I can fully understand your decision. Hope that you can finish soon your F-4B!
  4. Just look into the work in progress page and you will see all you asked for. You can learn a lot here in this brilliant community. Everybody is willing to share tipps and tricks and how things can be done.
  5. Thank you for this great feedback Peter! Makes me proud that you like it!
  6. Love the Tiger scheme! Stunning!
  7. Nearly have missed this! Great looking Engines and detail-work! Will follow now!
  8. Great progress Gary! PE is always much work but the result speaks for itself. You’re now close to the paintshop and the camo you choose is very attractive.
  9. Great work on the pit Peter! The HGW-harness is much better than the brass-ones. I also prefer mold-on harness. A lot of details to be picked out with painting.
  10. Copy Carl Harv: great idea to make fit easier!
  11. This will be looking awesome when finished Gary! Great work on the decals. I have a tipp for you for the small decals: When I apply them, I don’t press them on with a paper towel because then they might move. I use a cotton swab and carefully roll it over the decal. This will take out the bubbles but the decal won’t move. HTH Kai
  12. Awesome as usual Craig! The bare metal surfaces look stunning!
  13. Awesome work on removing the first one. Nothing to be seen afterwards.
  14. Great detail work Gary. To me it’s not overdone and also look convincing from close view.
  15. Another (very special) Mirage to cross the finish line. Stunning finish in the Cheetah and beautiful build Gus! Not an easy model but awesome result!
  16. You forgot to post the pictures of the model Rob! The ones I see seem to be out of a prospect from Ducati… Stunning job and beautiful finish, love it!
  17. Now you’re back to the bench and your progress is awesome Harv! Curious how it will go on!
  18. Great looking cuts Harv!
  19. Looking absolutely amazing Rob!
  20. Great work so far Harv! The walks really have to be thinned down but the overall fit looks ok!
  21. Thank you for your feedback Ernie. Really think twice to buy one. It’s not one of the best kits I had on my bench. Not well engineered and bad casting quality. All described in my WIP posts.
  22. Thanks for your feedback guys. Yours is absolutely in the same league Peter. Don’t underestimate your builds! Thank you Ernie. I‘m already old so I was obliged to learn scratchbuilding because no resin parts existed…
  23. Thank you Hans! Except the connection of the engine to the fuselage the fit was ok. Didn‘t build in all of the details because they’re not visible when finished.
  24. Great work John. Love the new camo scheme.
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