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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. The details of the beast are amazing and you picked them all out perfectly Mark! The further you get the more I get nervous to get mine on the desk.
  2. I would have gone mad if I had to do this. Crazy but simply stunning Craig!
  3. Stunning details. Looks like the real thing!
  4. Great progress Mark. This kit has awesome details. Thanks for the tipps Mark. Absolutely welcome!
  5. Thanks for the tutorial Carl! The painting on the vertical tails look awesome. I also ordered DN masks for the splinter camo for my Viggen. Your special livery will really be an eyecatcher!
  6. Can only copy the others and like Rob said: You have a stunning speed in building models in such an amazing quality. Unbelievable! It would have taken me years to build the models you complete within weeks! What will be your next project?
  7. You are really a master modeler Rich. All you do is simply amazing.
  8. This is simply amazing Oliver! Have no other words for that.
  9. Simply stunning Rob!
  10. Stunning progress and thanks for the tipps Mark!
  11. This is exactly how I did it with mine. Is simple and amazing!
  12. Simply stunning work Rob!
  13. Copy John Gary. This one will be awesome when ready!
  14. Copy Gary. Thanks for explaining the technique Rob. Great result so far!
  15. Great work Peter. The fixing of the outer to the inner wing was a bit fiddly. But it will work. I didn’t glue the flaps to the wing. Mine are just plugged. Much easier to paint.
  16. Great start for another attractive paintjob John! Curious for the next step!
  17. Awesome cockpit Mark! Simply stunning 🤩
  18. Fast beautiful clean job John! Where do you store all the finished models ? You really have an amazing building frequency.
  19. This will be a real beauty when finished Mark! Great job so far!
  20. Copy Rob and Harv Gary! Great progress and all the details will be seen in the end!
  21. Awesome progress Mark!
  22. Copy Gary: great start and beautiful pit!
  23. Really nice Rob!
  24. Great work Peter, looks amazing! I would suggest wings unfolded and flaps down. Folded wings - even only on one side - hide too much of the beautiful details. I did the same configuration on mine:
  25. Exceptional unreal I would say. Amazing work!
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