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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Everything well prepared! Curious how it will look like after painting!
  2. That’s sad to hear Ian! My condolences for the loss of your partner.
  3. Nice progress on the Hornet Carl. Looking very good!
  4. Big progress on the 109 Gary. Gorgeous work and I especially like how you imitated the leather cover of the tailwheel strut. You are not the only one to have accidents with tools. I always have a box with sticking plaster close to my workbench…
  5. Since I knew which reaction awaited me from Hubert I was really very busy tonight. Attached all gear-doors and their actuators: Front landing gear: Big main landing gear doors: They do not hang straight downward because space for the centerline tank has to be kept free. Unmasked the windshield (no surprises occurred) and added the 2 instruments (clock and reserve compass) to the frame and the seat to the pit: This is how she looks like nearly complete: Only work left: - Add some careful weathering to the underside and upperside - Glue tanks to wing - Glue rockets to wing - Glue canopy to cockpit Thanks for your patience Hubert. The finish line is very close now.
  6. 96 decals Peter? Sounds like the 1000 rivets of Marks Ferrari build. Looking forward to seeing the missiles, the tank and the plane with the first coat of varnish applied.
  7. Great build, stunning livery and well deserved award for it.
  8. Thanks all for your feedback. I‘m not building it for a contest but for the Mirage SIG in Telford this year Kevin. @ Hubert: Great to hear that you are back from your holidays! I have to admit that it’s not done yet but I go to the model cellar and finish her until Sunday. Hope that you can keep quiet till then…
  9. She looks beautiful so far Smitty! Kai
  10. It was a pleasure for me that I could help you Mark. Great progress of the build. Good solution found for the slats! Tanks and other items looking spot on. It‘s really necessary to have literature about this plane and fotos of the one you plan to build. Which colors did you buy from which supplier?
  11. Copy Peter and the others Carl: Great to see someone trying something different than normal and building a stunning model! The figures will enhance it even more! Awesome work!
  12. Awesome progress Mark! You really have a nice mixture of really challenging kits on your bench: - This Uhu with its amazing level of detail and typical ZM - The Ferrari with tons of (crazy making) rivets to apply - The Mirage 2000 with instructions leaving more question-marks than giving answers I really ask myself if you are a masochist (you know how it’s meant…)…
  13. Me too! Great start on the pit and I will follow this closely! Have the same model in my stash and it builds into an awesome replica as the fotos of finished models show.
  14. Great preparation for the booth Phil! Looking forward to seeing it when it moves out of it!
  15. Copy the others Gary: Another mistake I don’t understand why Revell made it. But I think it’s in a position where it is mostly hidden when she’s standing on her legs. So you may sand it s little more to shape or just do nothing. No one looking at the finished model will realize this (except us now ) in my eyes.
  16. Nice progress and work Bill!
  17. Thanks all for your feedback. Corrected the faults yesterday: Masking was a bit complicated because I didn’t want to cover the decals with masking tape to avoid the risk of tearing them away. But everything worked. Now I can start with the unmasking of the windshield and the final assembly. Hope that no more surprises await me.
  18. Stunning result Peter! Decal application and panelline accentuation is superb! Very smooth and realistic look! Did you already decide upon the final varnish? Can‘t wait to see the progress…
  19. Some detail work done tonight: Unmasked the canopy (without surprise under the tape) and added the mirrors, the canopy closing handle and the canopy breaking knife: On the real thing… And on the model. I also started to repaint the black cockpit rail and have to repair some small mistakes which came up when I unmasked the cockpit: not a big deal but I have to repaint the green. The bang seat is just test Tomorrow I will do the repainting and then come back to final parts to be glued to the model. Coming closer to the finish line now.
  20. Do you have some maintenance figures which you could place in front of the distorted windows as if they were working on the canopy ? Maybe this could hide some of the distortions. Otherwise I would leave it as it is or you order a new one from Tamiya and replace it. Like Peter said: awesome build nevertheless!
  21. Thanks for the description and the fotos Rob! Absolutely realistic looking tires! I‘ll try this on one of my next builds. Up to now I used AK or Tamiya tire black which looks like rubber when dried. For the contact-area I either spray a mixture of own mixed brown colors (e.g. WWII aircraft): or use the colors of the Tamiya Weatherine Sets.
  22. Great progress Marc! Unclear instructions is typical for this kit (as it is for the single-seater)… Are you building the Mirage to have a pause regarding the 1000 rivets (now some less since yesterday) on your Ferrari?
  23. Thank you Mark. Completely agree with you. I will stop the discussion about the final finish now as it really belongs to the gusto of the builder and I don’t want to nerve all the others here with the discussion of all the pros and cons. Back to the bench and doing the final steps now is more important.
  24. This is really an eyecatcher Rob! Beautiful build so far and I learned a lot. Can you also post some pictures of the landing gear and tyres ? I‘m quite interested how they look like after your special treatment. Good idea how to rework the canopy! What you can also try is careful cleaning of the glass surface with a cotton swab and Mr. Color thinner (not the Leveling thinner!). This will not react with the plastic. It will stay clear. Looking forward to seeing her finished!
  25. Thank you for your feedback Gus! We have a similar opinion. During my time in the GAF I had the opportunity to fly in an Alpha-Jet. Take a look at the camouflage: Completely flat finish. But you are right: Everyone has to decide by himself and to his own gusto… BTW: what about your Cheetah?
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