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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Good to hear that both of your families are safe and their homes not damaged!
  2. Unbelievable (as usual)!
  3. Hi Gary, I have a cheap solution for your topic. Master Box has a set of pilot figures in which one figure is included with a separate back-pack and one with a seat-parachute: Backpack version and the seat-parachute. This should be a good basis for your parachute. I used this set for my Ju-87G diorama. The figures are plastic (no resin) and beautifully detailed. HTH Kai
  4. Thank you for the compliments Rob! This was really a bad base-kit and I think the challenges you have with such a kit help to improve your modeling skills. And I think we all kind of love these challenges, don’t we?
  5. Thanks for your nice feedback Harv. Thank you Martin. I always try to make a small diorama with some figures to bring life to it. Nice gun-camera film! Thank you for the compliment Gary! I will also post some (better) pics in the „Aircraft finished“ category.
  6. I am really curious to see your scratched version!
  7. Another Wessex build to follow here! Nice you started this one ! Will follow closely BTW: What about your 190?
  8. Only 38 rivets? That’s much less than usual! Nice progress on the frame, tubing and dashboard! Next time we want to see 200 rivets minimum.
  9. Great build and weathering Phil!
  10. Awesome series-production of decaling Peter! This was much work but it will pay off in the end. Now up to the semi-gloss varnish! Curious for the next update!
  11. Thank you for your feedback Mark! I‘m glad that I crossed the finish line now. Thanks for your great feedback Hubert! Much appreciated! Thanks Gus! Much appreciated ! Looking forward to seeing your Cheetah finished!
  12. Nice progress Mark! The figures will add much realism to the diorama and they look stunning! Where did you get them from? The helmet on the ladder is a beautiful touch!
  13. These resin-intakes are a great addition and the view through them to the 1st compressor stage is awesome. Will buy these for mine too (if they are available). I really like your approach how to solve the problems. Will keep your postings in mind when I build mine. Curious to see the next update!
  14. Great to see this special F-4 here. That’s an F-4J not often seen! Really nice build and the crew brings much more life to it. So your daughter was completely right!
  15. Have ordered and got a confirmation: 🤩
  16. As promised Hubert: It‘s finished now: Already started with the diorama-plate and will add 2 maintenance crew and their tools: I think they fit perfectly regarding era and clothing for the hot environment. Thanks for following my build, for all the positive and critical feedback and the tipps. It’s really a great community here with lots of awesome modelers. Cheers Kai
  17. Great preparation for the spray booth. Looking forward to seeing the result!
  18. I found a parachute for you Gary: It’s still available: Kai
  19. Maybe you don’t see much of the little things you did at the end of a bench-session but in the end they make the difference. The REVI looks amazing with the 2 glasses on. Even the mechanism for rising the second anti blending glass is visible. Great detail work overall! Curious to see how the finished drop-tank will look like!
  20. I have reserved one in the second lot of production. Will place the order with a 20% discount (then 182 $) on Monday. I already bought masks for the splinter-camo from DN Masks and all necessary colors from AK. Can‘t wait to get it on my bench. Will start it immediately when I get it.
  21. I‘m deeply impressed Craig! These close up fotos look as if they were taken of the real thing. This is beyond awesome !
  22. Thank you Craig. As promised I completed the weathering today and added the wingtanks. Weathering was done with Tamiya Weatherine Sets and an old brush. I kept it to a minimum since the IDF-Mirages were very well maintained: Tomorrow I will add the Shafrir2 rockets and the canopy and then it’s finished Hubert !😅
  23. Thanks for your feedback Gary and Peter! Much appreciated! I‘m really happy that I will cross the finish line soon (and I‘m afraid of Hubert… )!
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