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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Luckily, no flu for me......However, I'm having a Hell of a time shaking off this Dutch Elm Disease..... At least, that's what my Doctor calls it.
  2. I'm going to try to resist temptation by buying only when I complete A 1/16 scale model. Incidentally, I have a 1/32 model on the way....but not being 1/16 ,the rules don't apply😀. I'm interested in the 1/35 H 39 that's going to be released by Tamiya.( not 1/16 again) Seriously, the development and release Times for both the Das Werk and Andy's kits are incredible! Much too Tempting ...dangerous ! For now, I'm trying to continue buying the paint and supplies needed to build my stash. I bought a bunch of paint today and a kit I was considering because the price seemed reasonable. Hopefully, I'll get home sometime this week and do some painting.
  3. At least you have a budget.....I seem to be out of control🤔 I am Probably going to get the M3 Half track and maybe The Horton. I really have to come to a hold on my purchases for awhile.
  4. Another Item today....It's a biggie in 1/16. From Das Werk, it's their Sd.Kfz. 250/1 Ausf.A (DW 16018). This seems to be a simpler kit than Das Werks earlier half track release. I like the looks of this thing. I'll probably buy Andy's new M3 , but seriously, I can't buy any more😉
  5. Another new release! I swear, Andy has it in for me! I'm compelled to buy this thing..... Also that Das Werk guy! It's like a glorious new era of big desirable kits !
  6. Video of Takom's Horton big box reveal on Andy's YouTube channel. I had no idea of how big this thing is!
  7. Just a Pipe dream of mine😀
  8. Thanks. I'm a big fan of the Buffalo myself. I'm not decided on the markings yet. I have the kit decals, Midway decals, and the ones I just purchased. I'm leaning towards the battle of Midway markings...I like the blue/grey scheme, later I'll do another with the Aluminum paint/orange yellow scheme perhaps. I'm still awaiting a Hobby Boss 1/18 Buffalo, but they never answer my emails😀
  9. Some stuff came recently...... Mostly tools and supplies; Some Dspiae UV cure glue. Decal paper for my laser printer (White) I already used this to print some Instruments for A 1/16 M10, and some decals for a Brazilian Ft 17. I'll have to cut these out by hand, but better than nothing. Models;....A Tamiya Panzer I a, and a "Egg Girl" in 1/12 from Hasegawa Some Albion brassTubing and Evergreen styrene strip. Some Tamiya epoxy Putty ,and Mr. Color paint. A call out to Martin for recommending the Tamiya putty. Some Decals; For 1/48 Brewster Buffalos, and 1/16 Panzer I tanks from Yellow Wings and Star Decals. Lastly, from Wave some special shape diamond files and a pair of reverse-action tweezers. The files look really good and will be great, I'm sure, for these resin figure things I've accumulated.
  10. Wait....You can use this to glue ABS ?
  11. Very nice! I'm still waiting on a Plaza Shipment, but mostly tools this time. That's a very good deal!
  12. Might interest someone..... Miniart is releasing a new RSO in 1/35 with interior detail. I know many Kits of this out there are pretty old by now. See more: https://www.themodellingnews.com/2025/01/preview-miniarts-135th-scale.html#more
  13. After looking at the pictures again, I think you're right. I think the bare plastic of the parts may be exaggerating the effect.
  14. I agree about the scale, and I like the He11 ( I regret not buying the Revell 1/32 kit). The scale allows using the many available kits and figures to create dioramas with their kits, although such a diorama with their He111 would have to be enormous! The answer is just buy or not buy what you want.Anyway. I noticed the "oil canning" effect in some of the pictures......Does anyone else think that it looks a little overdone considering the scale? (Just my opinion) 😁
  15. Where did you get that big Avenger? 1/18 scale?
  16. O.k. an update on previous post : Got a new battery , ordered a new battery charger....will be delivered tonight. Car is working fine now.😀 Weather? Still a grey, cold, nasty, Illinois winter. Salty roads. I remember a co-worker saying; "But the snow is so beautiful" I answered; " Is slush beautiful ?"
  17. Just the typical winter day here.... 13 degrees F.......only one thing..can't get my car started..... A crappy battery charger and no way to get a new One😶
  18. Are the areas adjacent to the raised panels on the lower wing surface places for inserts ? It does look odd.
  19. Great Items Rob! Sad to hear about Ebro....I was interested in the Citroen; both the DS and the delivery trucks. The DS 19, especially the early ones are a favorite of mine. The Mr. Tool Cleaner looks useful... May try that! 1/43 scale...I think that's about the same scale of the Corgi cars I had as a kid..right?
  20. That's one heck of a deal! Nice score!
  21. Thanks, I'll avoid that Revell version!😀
  22. For anyone interested in building one of these, Das Werk has a 1/35 kit. I looked at this kit awhile ago. This vehicle was adopted back in 1965 but it does look like some of the Tank destroyers used by Germany during WW II. Anyway, the Das Werk kit looks pretty decent, and the subject is interesting, at least to me. Thanks Martin for providing the Images. Here's a link to the Kits Scalemates page. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/das-werk-dw35031-kanonenjagdpanzer-beobachtungspanzer--1476438
  23. I bought that kit a few weeks ago. How well does it go together? Any issues? You've made good progress so far.
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